Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

Benchmark II 2 to 6 playersObject Collect as many Princess Points and have the highest amount at the end of the gameSetting upPicking Your Princess-- Choose a princess You have a choice of seven princesses Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, Jasmine, Mulan, and Ms. Beideman. The probability of choosing your favorite princess, Ms. Beideman is 1/7 or 14.29%Princess Points -- Place all princess point chips off to the side, for later use in the game. At the end of the game, princess points forget count towards winning the game tease -- Separate the nebs into four decks Career Cards, Salary Cards, Castle Cards, and Chariot Cards. Money -- Have all the players spin the dial once. The player with the highest number will be the banker. This player is in charge of all the Princess points being exchanged to and from the bank. There are five spaces on the dial. This means that the probability of being the banker no matter what, otherwise known as landing on the number five, is . The probability of not being the banker no matter what, otherwise known as landing on the number one, is also . Imagine three people are playing the game, and two of those people have come on the rime 1, 4, and 2. The fourth persons chance of becoming banker is , because the one-third person can only win the title by landing on 5. The third person has the same chance of winning the title as losing the title the chance that she does not become banker is , since the only way she could not become banker is if she land on 3.Playing the GameWhat You Do on a Turn -- On the beginning of your turn, spin the wheel. The dial is numbered from 1-5. Remember the number your dial landed on, then spin again. Next, add the two numbers received from spinning t... ...ces will also be included. 17 spaces will be neutral, which neither break off nor take Princess Points. The players chance of landing on a neutral space is 17/27, or 22.97%.Dependent Probability Each card has their own different probabilities of being ab le to choose a card. This probability is dependent on the amount of players and cards already removed from the deck. Each family of cards includes 10 individual cards.Binomial Probability Spaces including gaining Princess Points and neutral spaces will be included in binomial probability. Both gaining Princess Points and neutral spaces have 17 spaces on the board individually. Therefore the probability of landing on one of these spaces is 34/75, or 45.33%Venn Diagram Available Jobs Depending on DegreeThank you, and adore the gameYour gamemakers,Shira and JocelynMay the odds be ever in your favor.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Individual and Society Essay -- Essays Papers

Individual and SocietyMedicine Since 1715Medicine has been a outstanding advancement in society. Without the advancement in medicine, we would not have the lifestyle that we do today. Many different nations and individuals within those nations have contributed to this progression. Medicine has greatly increase the life- span of humans. We be where we stand today because of the many great people we have had in our history who contributed to and performed medical advances. The tests and theories of these people have been a major(ip) contributing factor. William Cullen said, Every one nowadays pretends to neglect theory, and to stick to observation. But the first is in talk only, for every man has his theory, good or bad, which he occasionally employs and the only difference is, that weak men who have little extent of ability for, or have had little experience in reasoning, are most liable to be attached to frivolous theories.1 William Cullens expression concerning the importance of t heories was proved to be correct due to the many contributions of the theories of those who studied medicine.In 1790, the birthrate was high, along with the death rate. The majority of deaths occurred among the infants and young children. The death rate of the population as a whole was higher than today. Although children born had only a 75% chance of surviving past the age of five, the beginning advances in medicine aided the population growth causing the population to increase in England. The medical schools, hospitals, medical societies and journals, medical knowledge, and doctors of 1790 did not perform life- prolonging therapeutics. In Science and the practice of Medicine in the 19th Century, it was concluded that many laymen, and... ...Sheikh, Eastern and occidental Approaches to Healing (New York John Wiley & Sons, 1989), 65.BIBLIOGRAPHYSheikh, Anees A., and Katharina S. Sheikh. Eastern and Western Approaches to Healing. New York John Wiley & Sons, 1989.Proctor, Robert N. Racial Hygiene Medicine Under the Nazis. Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1988.Bynum, W.F. Science and the Practice of Medicine in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1994. Taegu. Yakryongshi-Market of Herb Medicine. Websites in Taegu. (c) 1996, JAC. n. pag. Online. Internet. 21 March, 1999 Available http// .htmlHistory of Medicine and Health. n. pag. Online. Internet. 21 March, 1999. Available http// of an Epidemic. n. pag. Online. Internet. 21 March, 1999. Available http//library

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Harry Houdini Essay -- Essays Papers

enkindle HoudiniWhat comes to mind when one thinks of Harry Houdini? There are umteen things one could say, magic, escapes, perseverance, hard work, determination, fame, etc. Houdini was a master sensation as well as a superb escape artist. (Harry 1) Houdini was one of the most determined men in history. He was so obsessed with achieving his tendency that no matter what got in his way he pushed it aside. Even if it were his parents he would ignore them. Many things got in his way but he was so pore that he ignored them. This is the story of the greatest Magician that ever lived.On April 6th, 1874 Ehrich Weiss (Harry Houdini) was born to Rabbi Mayer Samuel Weiss and his wife Cecelia on March 24 in Budapest, Hungary. (Timeline 1874 1) After Erich was born, his pose had many problems in Hungary and came to Wisconsin. The Weiss family joined Rabbi Weiss in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he led a small Reform congregation. At age nine, Ehrich and some neighborhood friends establish a fi ve-cent circus. Wearing red woolen stockings, he bills himself as Ehrich, The Prince of the Air. (Timeline 1874 1) Harry Houdini lived a very rough childhood. His father had failure after failure. Since Weiss couldnt survive in Wisconsin, he brought Erich with him to New York City. In the city, they lived in a boardinghouse on East Seventy-ninth Street. Ehrich works a variety of jobs to help support the family.In 1891, Ehrich teamed up with Jacob Hyman, a friend from his job at neckwear cutting firm. They form a magic act called The Brothers Houdini. (Timeline 1874 1) All his life Ehrich loved magic. One magician he especially admired was Robert-Eugene Houdin. Ehrich started calling himself Harry Houdini. The next year Eric experienced a grave tragedy. His father died on October 5, 1892 at the age of 63. (Timeline 1874 1) Ehrich was seventeen old age old. He had experienced such a hard life that he just kept on going. Many people said that his childhood was the debate that he was so mentally strong and determined. Meanwhile Harry as he called himself now was performing on the Midway at the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Later that same year, Jacob Hyman left The Brothers Houdini and was replaced by Harrys brother Theodore, or Dash as he like to be called. That summer, Harry met fellow performer Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner. After three weeks of getting to... ...(Timeline 1912 1)Later that year, the legacy of Harry Houdini ended as he died in Detroit on Halloween, from complications of appendicitis. Several days earlier, a student had struck him in the stomach in his dressing room, even though he was hurt, he refused to cancel his shows until it was too late. His death triggered mourning and tributes around the world. Houdinis funeral was held on November 4th at the Elks Clubhouse on West Forty-third Street in New York. As many as two thousand mourners packed the ballroom, and the event was widely covered. (Timeline 1912 1)In conclusion, I feel that Harry Houdini was the greatest Magician that ever lived. He was so talented that he was able to do more than just magic. He amazed people for years and was probably 100 years ahead of his time. Harry Houdini will never be forgotten for his achievements.Works CitedHarry Houdini, Master Magician A study of a masters childhood and how it unnatural his adulthood. December 13,2000Timeline of Harry Houdinis Life, 1874-1898 December 15, 2000Timeline of Harry Houdinis Life, 1899-1910 . December 15, 2000Timeline of Harry Houdinis Life, 1912-1926 December 15, 2000

Does the Colour of a Liquid Effect How Fast it Cools? :: essays research papers

Does the Colour of a Liquid Effect How Fast it Cools?I am trying to find away if the colour of a liquid effects how quickly it stills slew.Method1.First I took five test tubes and filled each one with 5ml of black, blue, green, red and rack up headway colouring (for the clear colouring I simply used water.)2.I then filled each of the test tubes with 25ml of boiling (of course whilst wearing preventive goggles.) water and waited for the temperature to f any to 50C and then measured the temperature of the water, using thermometers, every 30 seconds for three minutes.3.I recorded our results and repeated the experiment to make the test fairer.Diagram My diagram can be found in the tractile wallet this was handed in with.Equipment5 standard test tubes.5 thermometers.Four colour dyes, black, blue, green and red.A stop watch.A kettle.PredictionI think that the colour of the liquid will effect how quickly it cools down because I know that dark matt surfaces are better at absorbing r adiation. Therefore, according to my theory, the darker dyes such as the black, blue and green will cool slower than the lighter ones.ResultsThese are my average results for both sets of recordings put into tablesGreenTime temporary (C)000500304910048130472004723046RedTimeTemp (C)000500304510043130422004123040 regretfulTimeTemp (C)000500304710044130422004123040BlackTimeTemp (C)000500304710044130422004123039ClearTimeTemp (C)000500304810047130452004423037I then put these results into a graph which you can find in the plastic wallet this was handed in with.I then worked out the total temperature loss for each colour and put them into this tableRedGreenBlueBlackClearTotal Temperature Loss in C104101113I then put the results into this kick downstairs chartConclusionMy results seem very strange and almost contradict my prediction. All the results seem quite similar, except the green dye, which, of course, could simply be an chimerical result. Therefore my conclusion is that the colour o f a liquid makes no difference to how quickly it cools down.EvaluationI understand that my experiment was not at all completely accurate. To be so I would need to do it in a controlled, stable environment, but this was not available to me.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Eulogy for Grandmother :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for grannyMy grandmother was a strong charr. No matter how strained my families relationship could be at times, I loved her unconditionally. She was the woman who would buy me gallons of ice cream and soda frustrating my mother to no end. Whenever I spent the night she would let me stay up as late as I wanted watching TV. Crossing the street to my grandparents house was a daily event, which I looked forrader to every morning I woke up. there was the daytime when my Mom had to many things to do to take me to follow the Clydesdale Horses. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time. I had spent the whole day moping around the provoke not telling anyone why I was so up ring. To cheer me up nan took me with her to drop dispatch Woodruff, one of the farm hands who lived in town. I lay in the back of her huge station wagon, crying to myself as we past times Main Street. Woodruff was hearing impaired, he also lacked the ability to effectively speak. Somehow he communicated to grandmo ther something was wrong. Needless to say my grandmother dropped Woodruff off and marched me down to Main Street to see those horses. Like a good grandmother should, she spoiled her grandson to no end.In a way she really shaped who I was to become. Around 12 I wanted to start skateboarding so badly. My mother would not allow it. I secretly saved currency to buy a used set up from an older kid in school. My grandmother, although completely against the idea of me doing it, hid my board in her closet every day for weeks until she finally told my mom I was skate. Anyone who knows me realizes that skating pretty much shaped my teen years and even early adulthood. I cant hark back closely who I am right away without thinking of her.She brought me to the hospital more times then I can count. If it wasnt asthma it was for some sign of stitches. Once she calmly picked me up afterwards phoning to tell her I put an Ax in my leg. She was calm and collective the entire time. She was never judgmental about it, I am sure heave her two sons wasnt that different. She prodded me about tattoos and being vegetarian, but she always went out of her way to find me something to eat.Eulogy for Grandmother Eulogies EulogyEulogy for GrandmotherMy grandmother was a strong woman. No matter how strained my families relationship could be at times, I loved her unconditionally. She was the woman who would buy me gallons of ice cream and soda frustrating my mother to no end. Whenever I spent the night she would let me stay up as late as I wanted watching TV. Crossing the street to my grandparents house was a daily event, which I looked forward to every morning I woke up.There was the day when my Mom had to many things to do to take me to see the Clydesdale Horses. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time. I had spent the whole day moping around the farm not telling anyone why I was so upset. To cheer me up grandma took me with her to drop off Woodruff, one of the farm hands who lived in to wn. I lay in the back of her huge station wagon, crying to myself as we past Main Street. Woodruff was hearing impaired, he also lacked the ability to effectively speak. Somehow he communicated to grandmother something was wrong. Needless to say my grandmother dropped Woodruff off and marched me down to Main Street to see those horses. Like a good grandmother should, she spoiled her grandson to no end.In a way she really shaped who I was to become. Around 12 I wanted to start skateboarding so badly. My mother would not allow it. I secretly saved money to buy a used set up from an older kid in school. My grandmother, although completely against the idea of me doing it, hid my board in her closet every day for weeks until she finally told my mom I was skating. Anyone who knows me realizes that skating pretty much shaped my teen years and even early adulthood. I cant think about who I am today without thinking of her.She brought me to the hospital more times then I can count. If it was nt asthma it was for some type of stitches. Once she calmly picked me up after phoning to tell her I put an Ax in my leg. She was calm and collective the entire time. She was never judgmental about it, I am sure raising her two sons wasnt that different. She prodded me about tattoos and being vegetarian, but she always went out of her way to find me something to eat.

Eulogy for Grandmother :: Eulogies Eulogy

acclaim for GrandmotherMy grandmother was a strong woman. No matter how strained my families kinship could be at times, I love her unconditionally. She was the woman who would buy me gallons of ice cream and soda frustrating my mother to no end. Whenever I pass the night she would let me stay up as late as I wanted watching TV. Crossing the street to my grandparents house was a daily event, which I looked forward to every(prenominal) morning I woke up.There was the day when my Mom had to many things to do to take me to see the Clydesdale Horses. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time. I had spent the whole day moping around the farm not telling any mavin why I was so upset. To cheer me up grandma took me with her to drop off sweet woodruff, one of the farm hands who lived in town. I lay in the back of her huge station wagon, crying to myself as we past Main highway. Woodruff was consultation impaired, he also lacked the ability to effectively speak. Somehow he communicated to gran dmother whatsoeverthing was wrong. Needless to say my grandmother dropped Woodruff off and marched me down to Main Street to see those horses. Like a good grandmother should, she spoiled her grandson to no end.In a way she actually shaped who I was to become. Around 12 I wanted to start skateboarding so badly. My mother would not allow it. I secretly relieve money to buy a use set up from an older kid in school. My grandmother, although completely against the idea of me doing it, hid my board in her closet every day for weeks until she finally told my mom I was skating. Anyone who knows me realizes that skating pretty much shaped my teen years and even early adulthood. I cant think about who I am today without thinking of her.She brought me to the hospital more times then I can count. If it wasnt asthma it was for some type of stitches. Once she calmly picked me up after phoning to tell her I put an Ax in my leg. She was calm and collective the entire time. She was never faultfi nding(prenominal) about it, I am current raising her two sons wasnt that different. She prodded me about tattoos and being vegetarian, but she always went out of her way to find me something to eat.Eulogy for Grandmother Eulogies EulogyEulogy for GrandmotherMy grandmother was a strong woman. No matter how strained my families relationship could be at times, I loved her unconditionally. She was the woman who would buy me gallons of ice cream and soda frustrating my mother to no end. Whenever I spent the night she would let me stay up as late as I wanted watching TV. Crossing the street to my grandparents house was a daily event, which I looked forward to every morning I woke up.There was the day when my Mom had to many things to do to take me to see the Clydesdale Horses. I was probably 6 or 7 at the time. I had spent the whole day moping around the farm not telling anyone why I was so upset. To cheer me up grandma took me with her to drop off Woodruff, one of the farm hands who lived in town. I lay in the back of her huge station wagon, crying to myself as we past Main Street. Woodruff was hearing impaired, he also lacked the ability to effectively speak. Somehow he communicated to grandmother something was wrong. Needless to say my grandmother dropped Woodruff off and marched me down to Main Street to see those horses. Like a good grandmother should, she spoiled her grandson to no end.In a way she really shaped who I was to become. Around 12 I wanted to start skateboarding so badly. My mother would not allow it. I secretly saved money to buy a used set up from an older kid in school. My grandmother, although completely against the idea of me doing it, hid my board in her closet every day for weeks until she finally told my mom I was skating. Anyone who knows me realizes that skating pretty much shaped my teen years and even early adulthood. I cant think about who I am today without thinking of her.She brought me to the hospital more times then I can count . If it wasnt asthma it was for some type of stitches. Once she calmly picked me up after phoning to tell her I put an Ax in my leg. She was calm and collective the entire time. She was never judgmental about it, I am sure raising her two sons wasnt that different. She prodded me about tattoos and being vegetarian, but she always went out of her way to find me something to eat.