Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Scaffolding Language Learning in an Academic ESL Classroom Assignment

Scaffolding Language Learning in an Academic ESL Classroom - Assignment Example This is in relation to the socialization processes. The poorly socialized individuals and students tend to lack a well-developed argumentative skill, which is the basis of interactions while discussing academic issues (Lantolf, 2000 p34). On the kindergartens, the English language learners should be taught by reciting various words they learn in class. This will allow the expansion of their brains as recited words always stick, in the memory, for a long time (Lantolf, 2000 p41). This will as well accompany communicative activities such as salutations the kindergarten language learners always take part in on a daily basis starting from their teachers to their fellow colleagues whenever they interact. In the studies of the ESL, the students especially in an academic oral class should aptly embrace the interaction between the students and teacher for steady uprise in the oral and language skills (Kayi-Aydar, 2012 p26). The power relations as a result of interaction are one of the key as pects towards healthier scaffolding. The power relations enhance effective participation of the ESL learners in an academic oral skills class. The scaffolding should, therefore, involve description of various learning activities and putting them into practice through the group discussions and debates. This will not only set strong academic oral skills, but also enhance a proper language and presentation skills development. This system of the academic oral skills is a socially arbitrated process thus involves much of communicative activities thus relates to the socio-cultural linguistic (McNeil, 2012 p402). The provision of the scaffolding information by the tutors should be well adopted to enhance there is a relationship... This essay approves that for any language to be effective, it should be critically analyzed by the learners and the learners should as well take part in the day-to-day searching of new vocabularies in the intended language structure. The ESL learners, to acquire one of the best language development and language skills, should indulge in the critical evaluation of the language and the new words learnt during class interactions amongst themselves. The classroom tasks should as well be distributed for an improved learning of the oral skills. The classwork should entail a small group work, the formal lectures as well as a student led session discussions. All of these aspects will bring various students together and interact in various ways, which may include through the ideological differences in explaining subjects, through dialogues and in their cognitive performances. This aspect of various interactions will pave the way for an improvement in the learner’s academic oral skills. This report makes a conclusion that learners should be highly appreciated whenever they make mistakes and encouraged to control their frustrations whenever they face difficulty in the use of vocabularies and punctuations. This will enhance a perfect and conducive classroom environment for the correction of various oral skills mistakes by the students hence giving room for the development of an appropriate academic oral skill in the students. This will also encourage the participation levels of the students towards every learning activity involving interactions thus nurturing their already existing socialised oral skills.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Artificial Intelligence in the Near Future Essay Example for Free

Artificial Intelligence in the Near Future Essay Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a bunch of robots do everything for you? Cook, clean, run errands, maybe even take care of the children and animals. That sounds like a pretty easy life. What would you do though if they all turned on you; suddenly your easy life was made more difficult than before. There are two sides to Artificial Intelligence, much like there are two sides to every person. There is a lot to take in when talking about Artificial Intelligence, such as what it means, how it started, advantages, disadvantages, things that use artificial Intelligence, how do other people feel about it, how do you feel about it, and many other questions. So what is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is considered the development of machines such as robots and security systems that do the jobs of humans. They are also able to understand human speech. With this being said in the future robots will be able to do everything humans can, if not better. Things that use Artificial Intelligence will be programmed to response to voices, either any voice that speak to it, or only certain ones. Systems that can only open to a certain voice are most likely going to be used for government work, while ones that open to any can be used for everyday things. In 1963 Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 computer. This computer was the first computer that was freely programmable. 1942 John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry Created the ABC Computer, twenty years later Steve Russell and MIT invent the Spacewar computer game, which was the first computer game on record. By 1973 Robert Metcalfe and Xerox were able to come up with computer networking. Eleven years after that in 1984 Apple invented the Macintosh Computer, which was the first affordable desktop computer to be in homes. In 1949, between the ABC Computer and the first computer networking advancement in computer theory lead to computer science, and eventually Artificial Intelligence. After networking came about AI (Artificial Intelligence) became possible. Norbert Wiener was the first American to make the observation between human intelligence and machine, this happened back in 1950. Even though Norbert made the connection John McCarthy was consider the father of AI, because he put together many conferences to get AI up and working. This took seven years. Finally the Thermostat was consider the first AI because it could control the temperature in the room, it was able to notice if the room was to hot or too cold, and adjust it to your liking. Then in 1955 The Logic Theorist was developed by Newell and Simon, and consider to be the first AI computer program. BY 1960 it was predicted that by 1985 AI would be doing the job of humans (Kurweil 69) Fast forwarding to the present AI has skyrocketed. There are vacuums that all you have to do is press the power button and it does everything on its own there is no need for you to do any of the work. GPS are also a great invention, put one in your car, or type on your phone and it can tell you how to get where you need to be, as well as find shorter routes, non toll roads, as well as avoiding accidents or back up traffic, you can even put in if you are walking or riding a bike. Smart phones have made lives easier as well. There is so much you can do with them, from checking bank account to putting in reminders, and some things are even voice activated. ATT Bell Laboratories may be the single most active telecommunications body working in Artificial Intelligence. Now if you want to have some fun with an AI, Cleverbot is the way to go. Cleverbot is a computer system that you can talk to, it’s doesn’t always have the nicest things to say, or even make sense but it is fun to play around with. The most recent thing to come of age is a car that drives itself, and is able to tell the difference between people who are walking and those on bikes. In 2004 the Company named Topix was founded by Sun Microsystems and Netscape engineers Tom Markson, Bryan Dole, and Bob Truel. This company created artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor news from more than 50,000 sources. They later added user-generated capabilities allowing site visitors to share, edit, and discuss news. Having an item that is an AI has its advantages. For starters it would make for safer work places. Some work places have jobs with low oxygen, radioactive elements or even poor weather conditions, if we have robot working in those environment instead of human, many lives could be saved. Even jobs that keep families apart would be at an all time low. NASA and the Military would also have more advance weapons. They would be able to notice and destroy other countries harmful weapons and keep us safer. Also if we had robots and other types of machines that do not need to rest or eat, they could work around the clock on finding a cure for cancer, and ending world hunger. Instead of sending our men and woman to foreign countries were they are bombed and shot at, we could send AI machines. Most of all there would be less error in the work place. Many places already use machine to do things because they can better measure out the right amount of equipment. There is a downside to using AI as well. With the rise of robots taking over jobs it means people will be replaced. The unemployment rate will go up, less people will get the help they need because too many people will need assistants, and laziness in humans will reach an all time high. Without having to go anywhere or do anything that will leave people to sit and watch TV all day. With jobs being taken away, younger generations will be at a disadvantage because they will not know what it is like to â€Å"earn a buck†. As AI grows they will be collecting all kinds of information, too much knowledge for one being is not a good thing, they might end up thinking they are smarter than us, and go haywire causing more problems. Not to mention if the wrong people get their hands on it they could misuse it. Most of all though it will be pricey. Meaning the people will have higher taxes to pay, and with robots doing all the work with money we just don’t have. When it comes to artificial intelligence my thoughts on it are 50/50. While I think it would be great to have extra help in work places or around the home, as well as not having to put so many people in danger just to get a job done I myself would not want to lose my job. I feel that if we use artificial intelligence for the good of others and not just to make things easier then we should do fine, but we must be careful that it does not fall into the wrong hands. After taking a survey of ten men and ten woman ranging from the ages twenty to forty, asking them if they think artificial intelligence would be a good use for the future, the result were as followed: five said yes, five said no, 3 were unsure, and seven think it would be both good and bad. In the twenty age group most were unsure though those who chose both were close behind, yes and no’s were equal. In the age group of thirty there were no yes’s or unsure, those who chose no were beaten out by those who chose both. In the forty age rang there were no unsure, those who chose both and no’s were equal as the yes’s beat them out. So it would seem the younger you are the more you are not sure, and the older you are the more you would like it to happen. I asked the people that I surveyed why they picked the answer they did. For those who said No, most of them said it was because they wouldn’t want to lose their job, while other worry about the system outsmarting us and causing a lot of damage and problems, pulse they have no moral judgment, compassion or other human emotions. Those who said yes were looking forward to work being easier, decision making would be easier and not put as much pressure on the person in charge. One of the people who said yes had this to say â€Å"Yes they could rescue a child from a burning building without getting hurt†¦83 Firefighters died last year while attempting to stop fires. That number would be zero if we had AI in the sense of I, Robot. Thats just one example but the implications are innumerable. Would you rather have a robot that never fatigues or gets distracted do surgery on your brain or a surgeon that may have had a late night or may have a difficult personal issue on his mind, like a divorce? (J.s).Those who choose both thought that it should be allowed, but with limits. Everyone has questions when it comes to AI. The one that seems to be worried about the most though is â€Å"will laws change, or will there be different laws for AI? People are worried that they will have to learn a new set of laws. If by chance there are different laws for AI beings will they be just as fair as ours? Or will they have more privileges? There is so much information out there when it comes to AI that it can be hard to keep up with. Now that you know what AI is, how it started, things that use it, advantages and disadvantages, my thoughts, other peoples thoughts and questions that are asked you have a good head start on learning more. What you find may surprise you and enlighten you, but nevertheless it is very interesting. One last piece of advice I would give to anyone, is since AI can be used for good or bad, watch whose hands it falls into.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Fashion of Whiskers in Victorian England Essay -- Victorian Era Fa

Whiskers: A Growing Fashion Prior to the Victorian era, men in England maintained cleanly shaven faces. With the mid-eighteen hundreds came a widespread shift toward facial hair in a multitude of styles (Camellia). The ability to grow whiskers began to be regarded as a sign of manhood. In pictures and photographs from the era, it is rare to find a male, past the age of manhood, depicted without facial hair in some capacity. As the century continued, the preferred style of facial hair grew progressively longer, bushier, and more pronounced (Nunn), but it remained â€Å"stylish for men to wear facial hair of all sizes and descriptions† (Camellia). Whiskers of all types adorned the faces of Victorian men, from thin side-whiskers to full, bushy beards in accompaniment with thick mustaches. During the nineteenth century, side-whiskers, beginning as short sideburns, were â€Å"allowed to grow further down the face† (Nunn) and developed into a variety of styles. Mutton-chops, â€Å"side whiskers that are narrow at the temple, broad along the lower cheek or jawline, and separated by a shaven chi...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Paper on Euthanasia

The term ‘euthanasia’ according to the 2007 guidelines on euthanasia published by the American Veterinary Medical Association is derived from the Greek term eu meaning good and thanato meaning death, combining the two Greek words, euthanasia means good death.However, the definition was applied to animal with the concept that if animals life is to be taken, it should be done with the highest degree of respect and with an emphasis on making death as pain less and distress free as possible.For some patients who had been suffering from illness and had bed ridden for a long period of time, death is better than to live having that kind of situation.Some even prayed that God take their lives, as they are themselves tired of their condition so they beg that they had better be dead. I would say that euthanasia is humane act as death is inevitable for everyone. Those who are suffering extreme pain or are brain dead with hopeless chance of survival must be given option be they wish ed to die. Euthanasia or painless death should be an option for the patient with terminal illness as part of their last will.Generally Euthanasia is the deliberate killing by act of omission of the immediate family member being for the patient alleged benefit. Voluntary euthanasia however means that the person has requested to be killed; physician assisted euthanasia is when doctor assisted the patient to kill him or herself.This subject is a good topic because it is a real ethical issue that the society is facing. Based on the recent development on the study of euthanasia, American doctors find it a competent way of easing a patient of the pain and struggle caused by his or her terminal illness. Ian Dowbiggin pointed out that with diagnosis and prognosis more accurate; physicians were able to with fair probability whether a patient was unlikely to recover (p. 5). Thus, according to Dowbiggin doctors â€Å"could now propose active euthanasia† particularly on patients with hop eless chance of recovery.EvaluationEveryone will surely die but the manner by which death comes differs and at a different age. Euthanasia is truly a good death because patients are first given relief from pain before administering a lethal dose of morphine or chloroform that would allow a painless death of the patient.It is quite common that despite of the modern life saving technology many people are extremely suffering from terminal illness, in which the only thing that technology can do is to prolong the patient’s life, which eventually will also end in death. I believed that the quality of death by euthanasia is one that is with dignity, as the patient’s remaining life was treated with highest degree of respect by emphasizing on painless death.Prolonging the sufferings of patient from terminal illness reduces the quality and dignity of his life and increases the level of the patient’s suffering. In the words of Shai Joshua Lavi, the purpose euthanasia socie ty was to â€Å"relieve needless human suffering† (p. 120) Citing the ESA (Euthanasia society of America) statement, Lavi stated that euthanasia is the lawful termination of human life by painless means for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary suffering under adequate safeguard.However, regardless of the quality of death by euthanasia, it remains morally a criminal act to take someone’s life. Euthanasia is humanistic argument, which view life based on secular perspective. Life is sacred and God has the right to take it back, and euthanasia is not an excuse to escape the consequence of humanity’s sin that made human body vulnerable to disease.Comparing the good and the bad side, the effectiveness and ineffectiveness, its best and its worst, the competency and in competency, and its success and unsuccessfulness, Euthanasia has been widely thought to have bad impact on society rather than good.The proponents of those who favor euthanasia emphasized that it good for terminally ill patient while the greater majority claims euthanasia is a crime on human life. Thus, efforts by proponents of euthanasia were mostly unsuccessful than success.During the earlier period prior to World War I, Dowbiggin noted that many people supports doctors administering euthanasia on terminally ill patient. Perhaps euthanasia’s best were widely recognized than its worst, however with improve technology this has been reversed. In most comparison, today’s generation oppose euthanasia, and cast their opinion against it.Evaluative ClaimLooking at the positive and negative aspect of I would say that euthanasia is a better option not only for the patient but also for the love ones who are directly affected by the circumstances surrounding the patient’s illness. With out congress-enacted law on euthanasia, it will remain an ethical debate whether or not it will be allowed. However, based on reality of the situation of terminally ill patient, Euthanasia i s a competent option for the benefit of the patient who wished for it.The criteria on which euthanasia has to be administered have been quite clear. Patients with terminal illness and whose chance of survival is hopeless, is suffering from extreme pain, and is begging for his or her death are qualified applicant. According to Derek Humphry, the quality of life is vital and if the body is destroyed by disease that is not worth living (p. 90). Humphry noted that it is an intensely individual decision which should not be thwarted† (p. 90)Evidence that the subject meet the criteria is that those that had assessed or had performed euthanasia in all parts of the world that had been convicted was either paroled, or released. Humphry pointed out that in some strongest places; tolerance for euthanasia appears (p. 4) Evidence suggest that the lack of specific laws of many countries regarding euthanasia, means it meets the criteria.Work CitedDowbiggin, Ian. A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement USA: Oxford University Press, 2003Humphry, Derek. The Good Euthanasia Guide 2004: Where, What, and Who in Choices in Dying. USA: Norris Lane Press, 2004.Lavi, Joshua Shai. A History of Euthanasia in the United States. USA: Princeton University Press, 2005.AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia   June 2007.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Public Relation Campaign Essay

The Impact of Technology Considerations Riordan is into plastic manufacturing. This is a technological product. Its uses can vary from simple carry bags to the sophisticated packaging. Plastics are considered environmentally unsafe. The only way to get rid of a plastic product is recycle and reuse it. Except for use, plastic is technologically sophisticated product. It requires technology to manufacture it as well as recycle it. Riordan before launching the product in global market place needs to understand the market set up and availability of recycling units. Recycling can be one of the themes of its PR strategy. It can educate consumers about the benefits of recycling and Riordan’s products compatibility with recycling. It can promote recycling in various ways. It can arrange recollection of the used Riordan products for recycling for free of cost or bare minimum charges from the users or encourage users to donate used plastics at Riordan units or selected locations from where it can be sent to recycling. It can also place its recycling waste bins in the high plastic usage areas. It can use new technological platforms like internet in order to promote recycling and reuse of plastic. Riordan can also communicate about its technological efforts to make the products better and less environmentally unsafe. Globalization Considerations There are various globalization considerations for Riordan. These are as follows: Social and cultural environment is one of the most important aspects of globalization considerations for Riordan. There are various factors of social and cultural environment that may result in success or failure of any company in global market place. The cultural differences must be studied for developing any PR campaign. The community will be involved in any kind of event and activities only if it can associate itself with it. This is possible when company has properly studied the cultural elements of the new business destination. Technological Environment is second important aspect for Riordan, as the product it is trying to launch in new business place requires technological set up for production and manufacturing. In the PR campaign it needs to find out the technological platforms and mediums that cover its target audience. Once these are identified, it can develop its PR plan using the most compatible platforms. Any PR campaign can be developed within the parameters of legal and regulatory framework. Governments of different countries are very particular about the messages; content and information companies are releasing in order to improve their image. The information must not be exaggerated, vague or misleading. Companies need to show their responsibilities while disseminating any information. They are accountable for their actions. Not only PR campaigns, but also in entire operations companies need to function according to the statutory compliance with the local government and international regulatory bodies in the global market place. A PR campaign will be successful only when all the information regarding company and from the company is positive. This is possible when company has smooth relationship with its suppliers, distributors, vendors, creditors and other financial stakeholders. The investment company is making in the new location will provide employment opportunity to many and help in the economical development of the particular area. This can also be one part of PR campaign for the company. Company can start certain corporate responsibility projects related to environment pollution. At the citizen front people are not as responsible for separating biodegradable and non degradable wastes. Company can educate and encourage people about benefits of separating such wastes. It can foster change in society through its PR campaign. This can improve its brand image and reputation. It will help building its image as a responsible corporate citizen. Crisis Management Plan There can be different types of crisis where organization will require responding quickly and actively. Company can analyze internal and external environment in order to find out about the possible crisis. Company’s PR strategy should aim at easing the tension situation. It should be a committed effort. Any kind of information going out of the company must be thoroughly checked and verified. A crisis management team of PR personnel, legal experts and representatives of main business operations like marketing, human resource and personnel management, finance and technology should be created, once major risk areas are identified. Team members should be accountable for their responsibilities. Communication channel and information flow should be planned. Employees should be given crisis management training. PR office should create a Crisis Management Manual for internal reference and external communication. During the crisis PR office should provide proper information on time. This information should be developed on the basis of interaction with local government, investigating agencies, legal agencies and concerned departments within the organization. Reference: Cooper, D, Grey S, Raymond G and Walker P (2005) Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements, Project Risk Management Guidelines, Broadleaf Capital International, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, West Sussex, England (e-book) Check List for Crisis Management Planning retrieved on 30 May 2008 from Dinsmore, P.C. (1993) AMA Handbook of Project Management, The AMACOM Books ISBN: 0814401066 (e-book)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom The Health Living essay

buy custom The Health Living essay Many Flatbush residents have poor access to medical care and this is very vital to the prevention and maintaining of health living. Twenty nine thousand people report no current health care and forty nine thousand people do not have a personal doctor. This means that people are at risk of not receiving attention quickly in the event of an illness. This increases the risk of severity of illnesses. The Government policy and plan is required to facilitate this programme and ensure all citizens are covered by a medical insurance policy. This will also increase medical checkups and routine check-up increases health stability. The public hospitals are in pathetic conditions and the bid to privatize them was legally blocked. If the public hospitals could be supported with adequate resources, this would probably improve the health conditions of the people of Flatbush. The United States Health care system is inefficient and in order to improve health care presence of an efficient health care system is a must. Providing public insurance and involving the Government in subsidizing the costs of insurance may increase the number of people who can access Medicaid. This will ensure increased access to health care and affordable insurance plan for many. Poor leadership The federal Government of New York has an assumption that the health care system in place is adequate for the people of New York City state. This is where the health challenge emerges. Communities need to be looked at from individual perspectives. If any problems are to be noticed and acted upon by the federal department of health there must be distinction and individual community approach. The needs of Flatbush are very different from the needs of Bronx in Brooklyn. The poor Health care delivery system is not adequate for the population of New York. Different health needs overwhelm the facilities because of lack of proper planning (McGoy, 2004). Poor environment Living in a healthy environment contributes to the healthy being. The conditions that the residents are living are not so god. It is clear that a good housing system and safe neighbourhood contributes to healthy living. Insecurity causes hospital admissions in resulting by accidents and crimes (Draper et al, 1980). An environment that is surrounded by insecurity, overcrowding and no housing resources such as gymnasiums and supermarkets contribute to mushrooming of small businesses that d not observe hygiene. This factors bundled together are a main cause of unhealthy living. Health education is sensitive to all this factors. Once the Government department focuses on improving the health of the residents it will involve all the stakeholders in ensuring the standards achieved do not get lost due to ignorance and stubbornness of certain individuals (Draper et al, 1980). Thus it will involve the environment and ecology. This is because human ecology is synonymous with human health. The idea is to involve the people to live healthy lifestyles and be responsible. The residents of Flatbush consider insecurity and poverty as a factor that makes the environment not to be healthy. The water distribution systems may also be part of the contributing factor to the ill health of Flatbush residents (Ontario, 2006). Policies on non- US Citizens The residents of Flatbush are mostly not United States Citizens. This is a challenge because they are not included in the health programmes that are in the country. They need more money in order to access these health care programmes. This is one form of a challenge that they face resulting to the development of negative behavioural health that leads to the contracting of sexually transmitted diseases. If the Government could introduce a plan that would include the non citizens it would really help solve the problem of lack of education on various health challenges (NYC health, 2003). This would be a great step to solving the high rates of health challenges involving the youths and sexually transmitted diseases. The youths of Flatbush should be involved and enrolled to the health care programmes which advice the youths in regards to behavioural health and sexual health. The effect of race and ethnicity has been on the toll for the minorities. The blacks receive less amount of care and a low quality of care for similar illnesses when compared to their white counterparts who are in the same income bracket and insurance coverage level. The double standards in providing health care have great consequences to the community of Flatbush. There is no effort to improve the health conditions in this community. The racial and ethnic disparities have contributed to the poor health status of the residents of Flatbush Lack of financial input The organizations that provide these services are few and not enough. There should be more funding for awareness and eeducation of the youths. This will attract more organizations to offer these services. Interest of the youths is also low in attending these awareness programmes. They view this programmes as a bother and to be very irrelevant to their livelihood. There should be motivation to the youths in making them understand the importance of these programmes. This is a sign that more effort on the Governments side to increase awareness and also educate the youths about these disease is the only way to curb the rise of these infections. More emphasis on education on the dangers of negative behavioural health will decrease the risks of the youths contracting even more complicated diseases resulting from pre marital sexual behaviours. Negative behavioural health Sexually transmitted diseases in Flatbush are on the rampant rise. The demographics stand at eight hundred and ninety one people for every ten thousand residents are infected by Chlamydia while two hundred and sixty eight individuals out of ten thousand are infected with Gonorrhoea. These rates are very high and the impacts can be devastating. The infections can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in Women and infertility is also a possibility if left untreated. The Sexually Transmitted diseases increase the risks of contracting HIV. The youths are high on the list affected by Sexually Transmitted Infections. This is infections can be greatly reduced if the youths are given proper counselling and guidance regarding their sexuality It is in rare occasions that the centres reach out to the youths. The health care authorities wait for the youths to make right decisions to attend the training programmes and learn about their sexuality but instead the youths are focussed on exploring their sexuality. A quick response to the inflating rates of sexually transmitted infections should a priority. There seems no effort even after several community studies highlighted the danger looming in the community (DOH, 2010). Insecurity and Povert The security of the living areas is part of the community health. There was an increase in hospital admissions due to crimes and accidents. Poverty levels have also contributed to lack of a healthy community. It is because of poverty that many residents have not acquired education and this hinders there perspective of reasoning towards community health. There are programmes that have been developed to face the immediate effects of stressors. Buy custom The Health Living essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Parts of a Book 101 the Master Guide to Front and Back Matter

Parts of a Book 101 the Master Guide to Front and Back Matter Parts of a Book Explained: Front Matter, Body, and Back Matter Beyond just polishing the story or contents of your nonfiction book itself, getting ready for publication involves preparing several different parts of a book - including the front matter and back matter. If you haven’t come across the terms before, don’t be intimidated! They simply refer to the first and last sections of your book: the bits that make it an â€Å"official† book, and not just chapters printed on bound paper.In this post, we’ll pull out our microscopes and zero in on this anatomy of a book - covering what vital components should be included in the front, body, and back matter, and how you can create them all using our free formatting tool.What makes up the different parts of a book?For a visual aid, we suggest you pull a random book down from the shelf and open it up. You can follow along and see how front and back matter are always arranged the same way. The order of these pages does matter (pun intended), so these parts require a little extra attention. Is there anything else you would like to know about the parts of the book or the logistics of self-publishing? Leave a comment in the box below and we'll do our best to answer your questions.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

An Overview of Pontiacs Rebellion

An Overview of Pontiacs Rebellion Beginning in 1754, the French Indian War saw British and French forces clash as both sides worked to expand their empires in North America. While the French initially won several early encounters such as the Battles of the Monongahela (1755) and Carillon (1758), the British ultimately gained the upper hand after triumphs at Louisbourg (1758), Quebec (1759), and Montreal (1760). Though fighting in Europe continued until 1763, forces under General Jeffery Amherst immediately began working to consolidate British control over New France (Canada) and the lands to the west known as the pays den haut. Comprising parts of present-day Michigan, Ontario, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, the tribes of this region had largely been allied with the French during the war. Though the British made peace with the tribes of around the Great Lakes as well as those in the Ohio and Illinois Countries, the relationship remained strained. These tensions were worsened by policies implemented by Amherst which worked to treat the Native Americans as a conquered people rather than equals and neighbors. Not believing that the Native Americans could mount meaningful resistance against British forces, Amherst reduced the frontier garrisons as well as began to eliminate ritual gifts which he viewed as blackmail. He also began to restrict and block the sale of gunpowder and weapons. This latter act caused particular hardship as it limited the Native Americans ability to hunt for food and furs. Though the head of the Indian Department, Sir William Johnson, repeatedly advised against these policies, Amherst persisted in their implementation. While these directives impacted all of the Native Americans in the region, those in the Ohio Country were further angered by colonial encroachment into their lands. Moving Towards Conflict As Amhersts policies began to take effect, Native Americans living in the pays den haut began to suffer from disease and starvation. This led to the beginning of a religious revival led by Neolin (The Delaware Prophet). Preaching that the Master of Life (Great Spirit) was angered at the Native Americans for embracing European ways, he urged the tribes to cast out the British. In 1761, British forces learned that the Mingos in the Ohio Country were contemplating war. Racing to Fort Detroit, Johnson convened a large council which was able to maintain an uneasy peace. Though this lasted into 1763, the situation on the frontier continued to deteriorate. Pontiac Acts On April 27, 1763, the Ottawa leader Pontiac called members of several tribes together near Detroit. Addressing them, he was able to convince many of them to join in an attempt to capture Fort Detroit from the British. Scouting the fort on May 1, he returned a week later with 300 men carrying concealed weapons. Though Pontiac had hoped to take the fort by surprise, the British had been alerted to a possible attack and were on alert. Forced to withdraw, he elected to lay siege to the fort on May 9. Killing settlers and soldiers in the area, Pontiacs men defeated a British supply column at Point Pelee on May 28. Maintaining the siege into the summer, the Native Americans were unable to prevent Detroit from being reinforced in July. Attacking Pontiacs camp, the British were turned back at Bloody Run on July 31. As a stalemate ensured, Pontiac elected to abandon the siege in October after concluding that French aid would not be forthcoming (Map). The Frontier Erupts Learning of Pontiacs actions at Fort Detroit, tribes throughout the region began moving against the frontier forts. While the Wyandots captured and burned Fort Sandusky on May 16, Fort St. Joseph fell to the Potawatomis nine days later. On May 27, Fort Miami was taken after its commander was killed. In the Illinois Country, the garrison of Fort Ouiatenon was compelled to surrender to a combined force of Weas, Kickapoos, and Mascoutens. In early June, the Sauks and Ojibwas used a stickball game to distract British forces while they moved against Fort Michilimackinac. By the end of June 1763, Forts Venango, Le Boeuf, and Presque Isle were also lost. In the wake of these victories, Native American forces began moving against Captain Simeon Ecuyers garrison at Fort Pitt. Siege of Fort Pitt As fighting escalated, many settlers fled to Fort Pitt for safety as Delaware and Shawnee warriors raided deep into Pennsylvania and unsuccessfully struck Forts Bedford and Ligonier. Coming under siege, Fort Pitt was soon cut off. Increasingly concerned about the situation, Amherst directed that Native American prisoners be killed and inquired about the potential of spreading smallpox among the enemy population. This latter idea had already been implemented by Ecuyer who had given the besieging forces infected blankets on June 24. Though smallpox did break out among the Ohio Native Americans, the disease was already present prior Ecuyers actions. In early August, many of the Native Americans near Fort Pitt departed in an effort to destroy a relief column which was approaching. In the resulting Battle of Bushy Run, Colonel Henry Bouquets men turned back the attackers. This done, he relieved the fort on August 20. Troubles Continue The success at Fort Pitt was soon offset by a bloody defeat near Fort Niagara. On September 14, two British companies had over 100 killed at the Battle of Devils Hole when they attempted to escort a supply train to the fort. As settlers along the frontier became increasingly worried about raids, vigilante groups, such as the Paxton Boys, began to emerge. Based in Paxton, PA, this group began attacking local, friendly Native Americans and went so far as to kill fourteen that were in protective custody. Though Governor John Penn issued bounties for the culprits, they were never identified. Support for the group continued to grow in and 1764 they marched on Philadelphia. Arriving, they were prevented from doing additional damage by British troops and militia. The situation was later diffused through negotiations overseen by Benjamin Franklin. Ending the Uprising Angered by Amhersts actions, London recalled him in August 1763 and replaced him with Major General Thomas Gage. Assessing the situation, Gage moved forward with plans that had been developed by Amherst and his staff. These called for two expeditions to push into the frontier led by Bouquet and Colonel John Bradstreet. Unlike his predecessor, Gage first asked Johnson to conduct a peace council at Fort Niagara in an effort to remove some of the tribes from the conflict. Meeting in the summer of 1764, the council saw Johnson return the Senecas to the British fold. As restitution for their part in the Devils Hole engagement, they ceded the Niagara portage to the British and agreed to send a war party west. With the conclusion of the council, Bradstreet and his command began moving west across Lake Erie. Stopping at Presque Isle, he exceeded his orders by concluding a peace treaty with several of the Ohio tribes which stated that Bouquets expedition would not go forward. As Bradstreet continued west, an incensed Gage promptly repudiated the treaty. Reaching Fort Detroit, Bradstreet agreed to a treaty with local Native American leaders through which he believed them to accept British sovereignty. Departing Fort Pitt in October, Bouquet advanced to the Muskingum River. Here he entered into negotiations with several of the Ohio tribes. Isolated due to Bradstreets earlier efforts, they made peace in mid-October. Aftermath The campaigns of 1764 effectively ended the conflict,  though some calls for resistance still came from the Illinois Country and Native American leader Charlot Kaskà ©. These issues were dealt with in 1765 when Johnsons deputy, George Croghan, was able to meet with Pontiac. After extensive discussions, Pontiac agreed to come east and he concluded a formal peace treaty with Johnson at Fort Niagara in July 1766. An intense and bitter conflict, Pontiacs Rebellion ended with the British abandoning Amhersts policies and returning to those used earlier. Having recognized the inevitable conflict that would emerge between colonial expansion and the Native Americans, London issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763 which prohibited settlers from moving over the Appalachian Mountains and created a large Indian Reserve. This action was poorly received by those in the colonies and was the first of many laws issued by Parliament that would lead to the American Revolution.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Policy case analysis on Samsung Electronics - it is a case Essay

Business Policy case analysis on Samsung Electronics - it is a case analysis and I will attach the case and more details below - Essay Example gion, for this purpose one of the main things that need to be studied are the strengths and weaknesses of the company, a SWOT analysis for the company follows. SWOT is basically an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, where strengths and weaknesses are internal and opportunity and threats exist in the external environment, with this basic understanding let us now discover the strengths of Samsung. Strengths for Samsung would be its human resources, because Samsung places such a high value on its human resources and believes in rewarding its labor and not punishing them makes a whole lot of difference because employees are more motivated to work and they have a strong sense of loyalty to the company; this makes a whole lot of difference as people would put in more effort for the company to succeed in achieving its targets and in bad times they would be much more supportive of the company which may include accepting a lower wage for the period that the company is suffering because there is a sense of ownership and belonging with respect to the company. At Samsung this is achieved by relieving the employees of the 90% of their burden such as healthcare for them and their family and retirement , with these burdens taken care of, it allows employees more freedom to concentrate on their work rather than worrying about other things.. Another important aspect is that Samsung places a lot of value on high quality and it develops that through research and development, it spends heavily on research and development and it has been unique in developing the way that it encourages people to research. It has an annual competition between two teams, one in California and the other in Korea itself, these two teams develop a new and better product each other and have been the source of many new product designs for Samsung, this is a strength that most of its competitors may lack and it gives Samsung a definitive edge over other competitors in the market, it

Checkout paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Checkout paper - Essay Example In the arrangement she does all the chores around the house which makes her fill feel as she owns a daughter. My client is a full time student which limits the time she has to attend to the requirements of her roommate. She also has no time whatsoever to rest on her free time as the responsibility makes her perform poorly in her studies. She wraps up the interview by pointing out that she is angry and cannot continue with the arrangement. . In addition, considering the type of problem she was undergoing it was appropriate for them to fell more embraced rather than queried. I first used clarification at the start of my interview. The client described her problems to me: †³ living with my roommate makes me feel like mum which I do not appreciate †³. The client mentioned she had problems with her roommate. To get a more clear response, I asked her what type of problem (Edgar & Geare 34)†¦ What do you mean by problem...? From this question, the client was provided with an opportunity to provide a narration of the problem she had with her roommate. In summarizing the verbal interview, I asked her if the current situation and all she experienced made her unhappy. I also paraphrased her words to get a more clear response†¦ you think all the work makes you unhappy†¦ I inquired if she considered that her roommate was unfair to her after she mentioned it in her story. By paraphrasing the client was able to summarize in a sentence the general mood of the situation with her roommate. I was also able to make her reflect on the real situation†¦ are you nervous while doing the work†¦ I asked her if she felt nervous while she was doing house work. The response was made through an honest feeling. By describing her feeling she was able to enlighten me on whether or not she was comfortable with the arrangement or not. During the interview the body language was very significant. For this reason, I posed as relaxed and open as I

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reconceptualizing Cultural Identity and Its Role in Intercultural Article

Reconceptualizing Cultural Identity and Its Role in Intercultural Business Communication and The Business Case for Enterprise Mashups - Article Example According to the article, the cultural identity is an individual’s sense of self-derived formal or informal membership in groups that inculcate knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes, traditions, and ways of life. The article argues that a broad conception of cultural identity should not in any way privilege nationality, but rather balance the components of vacation, class, geography, philosophy, language, and biological aspects. Since cultural identity changes over time and that evokes emotions negotiable through communication, the article proposes the model of cultural identity that highlights components directly related to business, including economic class and professional affiliation. While such a model proves rather viable in eliminating all forms problems related to poor communication in the business, the reality can prove otherwise. Regardless of the policies or measures put in place to divert attention from such issues defining people in organization, the reality is ra ther opposite. Increasingly, people look at things in a different perspective. For instance, accepting that a person ever committed a mistake is rather odd, especially in organizations that use teams in accomplishing tasks and allocation of duties.

In the current economic climate in Britain,the risks of starting up a Essay

In the current economic climate in Britain,the risks of starting up a new business outweight the benefits.DIscuss - Essay Example Another thing is about financing, the business may require continuous financing that may be unavailable. Finally, the management of a new business can either be a catalyst to failure or success. However, there a few benefits that have encouraged startups such as government policy and availability of raw materials. It is therefore apparent that the risks that a startup business faces in Britain are far much compared to the benefits. Firstly, the business is affected by factors within its control and reach. The management of an upcoming business can easily lead the company to failure due to many challenges that are experienced. They should have both long-term and short-term goals for the business and ensure they are implemented. A shaky management can contribute greatly to a business failure. The business owners have the capacity to find the best individuals to steer the business to success. Marketing strategy should be in place and should have a target market. A failure in this aspect will result to losses in the business hence closure. Financial management is also required when starting a new business; the available resources should be used maximally. Failure to do this will strain the business and if takes long before it breaks even, then there is a possibility of it closing down. Other aspects are outside the business control. These include regulations, market dynamics among other external factors. The demand for several products and services has continued to shift. Despite the increased and improved quality, new business, find it difficult to penetrate the market because the existing demand itself is below the supply. This is the reason why market survey is necessary before engaging in any business. Government regulations especially those developed in the process of establishment of a business can result to closure due to the requirements of conformity. Despite the risks that are associated with new

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business plan for starting Mountview Park in Broomfield Term Paper

Business plan for starting Mountview Park in Broomfield - Term Paper Example The Mountview Park is proposed to be a unique dinner and entertainment experience for the local people from around Broomfield, tourists from around America and other countries who visit Colorado’s rocky mountain. The business mission of Mountview Park is â€Å"to establish a multicultural restaurant for the customers to entertain in views of rocky-mountains†. In today’s changing business environment, developing business strategies and structuring business mission with a view to acquire and retain customers and to ensure customer satisfaction have become the core to the heart of preparing an effective business plan (Crego, Schiffrin and Kauss, 1995). The Mountview Park considers measuring and evaluating customer satisfaction as the primary tool to be used for gaining insight in to values and needs of prospective customer base.   With a vision to discover emerging business opportunity, transform the opportunity to business reality and design and develop newer foo d and various multicultural organic food for meeting the needs of those who come to rocky mountains to entertain, the company thrives to function as a dynamic and sophisticated resort. The major business objectives of Mountview Park includes:†¢Ã‚  Serving the customers an excellent combination of organic food and drinks, †¢Ã‚  Establish a unique natural park where customers are free to entertain in areas of rocky mountains of Colorado, and†¢Ã‚  Build stronger customer loyalty... The business mission of Mountview Park is â€Å"to establish a multicultural restaurant for the customers to entertain in views of rocky-mountains†. In today’s changing business environment, developing business strategies and structuring business mission with a view to acquire and retain customers and to ensure customer satisfaction have become the core to the heart of preparing an effective business plan (Crego, Schiffrin and Kauss, 1995). The Mountview Park considers measuring and evaluating customer satisfaction as the primary tool to be used for gaining insight in to values and needs of prospective customer base. With a vision to discover emerging business opportunity, transform the opportunity to business reality and design and develop newer food and various multicultural organic food for meeting the needs of those who come to rocky mountains to entertain, the company thrives to function as a dynamic and sophisticated resort. The major business objectives of Mountv iew Park includes: Serving the customers an excellent combination of organic food and drinks, Establish a unique natural park where customers are free to entertain in areas of rocky mountains of Colorado, and Build stronger customer loyalty by converting each customer who once visits to the park to be an asset of long term profitability. The Park will provide 24/7 services and online booking and other facilities for customers from other countries. As its Financial management planned, it would achieve a gross revenues of more than $ 25, 00,000 by the sixth month and to reach total sales of more than $80,00,000 by the end of first business year. It also plans to increase

'The law related to cases of mistaken identity illustrates a tension Essay

'The law related to cases of mistaken identity illustrates a tension between calls for certainty and calls for fairness'. Discuss - Essay Example It may be argued that methods to find the truth are not supplementary to each other and these should not be so, because there is nothing absolute. But at the same time mere insistence on any one of these methods could be disastrous. Cases as to mistaken identity, whatever the reason for the same may be, had resulted in number of convictions of innocent people in past and decisions of jury on question of fact has been questioned. No doubt, there was a time when eye witness was the only source to prove an occurrence of crime as well as the identity of the criminal, but today, it is not the case. DNA testing, audio visual aids, scientific investigatory gadgets like GPS etc. have provided additional complimentary tools to prove or unprove the guilt and these are attracting attention of jurists and law. The same is indicating a switch toward call for certainty rather than call for fairness in criminal procedures and establishment of guilt. Fairness implies that all rights of the accused in connection with the trails are secured. Defendant is provided a fair chance to prove his innocence by defending himself and contradicting the evidences provided by the prosecution. It also indicates consistency in application of law and non discriminatory attitude towards the parties. However, capacity of jury to make informed judgment about the fact of an incident and involvement of accused is largely dependant on evidence and its presentation by the attorneys on both sides. There might be all fairness on part of jury as it is based on proofs and testimonies of witnesses but can this fairness removes all the chances of wrong convictions? The answer is ‘NO’. There are always chances of wrong decisions and thus wrong convictions. So should there be any step further towards ascertainment of facts? The answer is definitely in affirmation. Fairness is not all about application of law and procedures in fair way, but also introduction of fair laws and procedures.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business plan for starting Mountview Park in Broomfield Term Paper

Business plan for starting Mountview Park in Broomfield - Term Paper Example The Mountview Park is proposed to be a unique dinner and entertainment experience for the local people from around Broomfield, tourists from around America and other countries who visit Colorado’s rocky mountain. The business mission of Mountview Park is â€Å"to establish a multicultural restaurant for the customers to entertain in views of rocky-mountains†. In today’s changing business environment, developing business strategies and structuring business mission with a view to acquire and retain customers and to ensure customer satisfaction have become the core to the heart of preparing an effective business plan (Crego, Schiffrin and Kauss, 1995). The Mountview Park considers measuring and evaluating customer satisfaction as the primary tool to be used for gaining insight in to values and needs of prospective customer base.   With a vision to discover emerging business opportunity, transform the opportunity to business reality and design and develop newer foo d and various multicultural organic food for meeting the needs of those who come to rocky mountains to entertain, the company thrives to function as a dynamic and sophisticated resort. The major business objectives of Mountview Park includes:†¢Ã‚  Serving the customers an excellent combination of organic food and drinks, †¢Ã‚  Establish a unique natural park where customers are free to entertain in areas of rocky mountains of Colorado, and†¢Ã‚  Build stronger customer loyalty... The business mission of Mountview Park is â€Å"to establish a multicultural restaurant for the customers to entertain in views of rocky-mountains†. In today’s changing business environment, developing business strategies and structuring business mission with a view to acquire and retain customers and to ensure customer satisfaction have become the core to the heart of preparing an effective business plan (Crego, Schiffrin and Kauss, 1995). The Mountview Park considers measuring and evaluating customer satisfaction as the primary tool to be used for gaining insight in to values and needs of prospective customer base. With a vision to discover emerging business opportunity, transform the opportunity to business reality and design and develop newer food and various multicultural organic food for meeting the needs of those who come to rocky mountains to entertain, the company thrives to function as a dynamic and sophisticated resort. The major business objectives of Mountv iew Park includes: Serving the customers an excellent combination of organic food and drinks, Establish a unique natural park where customers are free to entertain in areas of rocky mountains of Colorado, and Build stronger customer loyalty by converting each customer who once visits to the park to be an asset of long term profitability. The Park will provide 24/7 services and online booking and other facilities for customers from other countries. As its Financial management planned, it would achieve a gross revenues of more than $ 25, 00,000 by the sixth month and to reach total sales of more than $80,00,000 by the end of first business year. It also plans to increase

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Threatened species - Bradypus Torquatus Coursework - 1

Threatened species - Bradypus Torquatus - Coursework Example The causes of deforestation are agriculture and urbanization. The size of the Atlantic forest, locally called as the Mata Atlantica, has been reduced to 10% of its original size (Hance, 2010). Gravely affected with such change in landscape are the maned sloths, because an individual needs as much as a hectare as habitat. As well, contributing in the increased risk of their extinction is the fact that their litter size is 1 and there are only 15-20 births between February and April, although the absence of distinctive mane among juveniles allows them to hide in their mother’s fur. These slow-moving animals that spend 60-80% of their time resting is susceptible to become prey to mammalian predators (Hayssen, 2009). Thus, this species is already enlisted as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Since human activity has a large part in it, ways on allowing harmonious co-existence between humans and wild animals must thus be determined before this endangered species become extinct. Studies are thus being made to identify effective means for humans to better protect B, torquatus and to facilitate the increase in the population of this animal. Since much of the problem concerns the habitat, one of the studies conducted tried to determine whether cacao agroforest, locally called as cabrucas, interspersed between the remaining patches of Atlantic forests can serve as a habitat for this endangered species. Agroforestry has long been suggested as a solution to decreasing wildlife population partly caused by human-initiated landscape changes. This way, humans can earn a livelihood, while providing habitat to displaced animals as well. For 40 months, Cassano and her colleagues (2011) monitored three maned sloths living in the Cabana de Serra farm containing primary and secondary forests interspersed with shaded cacao and rubber tree plantations. There were also swamp and pastures. The sloths

Monday, October 14, 2019

Education On Health Promotion Essay Example for Free

Education On Health Promotion Essay Q. 1 Validity is said to be the power to convince about the conclusions that have been found. It is the strength that the conclusion has to convince others on the facts that have been outlined. There are said to be four types of validity namely external, conclusion, construct and internal validity (http://www. brainyquote. com). The external validity is about the ability to generalize the findings to other settings, the conclusion looks for a relationship between the outcomes and the program, the construct validity determines the presence of a relationship between concepts in a study and an actual casual relationship and finally the internal validity looks for the relationship between the study object and the outcomes of the study. On the other hand, reliability is said to be the ability to get the same results over and over again when performing the same test at different times (http://www. asiamarketresearch. com). It is said to estimate how consistent your measurements are. For a tool of measurement to be reliable, it has to give the same results when used at different times by different people to measure the same thing. It can be tested through using different questions that measure the same thing to see if the answers are consistent while the test/retest method means getting the same findings for the same test done at different times but under the same conditions. Validity and reliability will be used in the dissertation to test the conclusion. First checking on the reliability of the tools of measurements does this. This ensures that the data provided for the study is to be trusted as being correct. It also helps eliminate the data that contains some inconsistencies. Once all the reliable data has been compiled, it can then be used to arrive at some conclusion. This conclusion will be valid if all the measurements that have been done have involved the data that was supposed to be measured. If one has been using the correct data using reliable tools then the conclusion will be a valid one. The correct questions have to be asked in relation to the topic and the measurement tools have to be reliable for the conclusion to be valid. Q. 2 When starting a project one begins with choosing a topic on which to research on (http://www. ri. net/schools/East_Greenwich/research. html). This topic should not be too general as to include subjects that are not relevant to the researcher instead it should be very specific on what is to be research on. When choosing a topic, one uses the tool of research called the â€Å"human mind†. This is because a topic is chosen according to how the researcher perceives the surroundings and thus requires reasoning and analyzing which uses the brain. Next is gathering the relevant background information concerning the topic. This can be done through the use of the computer and its software. It is done to get the most basic information on the chosen topic. This information can be supplemented by the use of the library where one can find encyclopedias among other sources. This information is used to refine the chosen topic (http://www. ri. net/schools/East_Greenwich/research. html). If there is need to change the research topic it is done now. After revisiting your topic, you now need to gather the information needed. This is done by the use of the computer and the library. This information is then supplemented by fieldwork, which uses different methods of gathering information. This is done to confirm or challenge the statistics gotten from the library and computer software. While conducting the field research, one has to estimate the reality of the tools of measurement so as to ensure the information gotten is correct and in the process eliminate those, which contain errors after this is done, the information is coded and analyzed. The information is now ready for use to get the conclusion and then organize it to be able to write it in a way that the reader will understand. When it comes to the writing part, the language to be used has to be chosen carefully. It has to be a language accessible to all the presumed readers. The research is then written and is used to justify the problem statement and why the project should be undertaken. The conducting of a research and writing of a dissertation are the actual start of a project. This is because they justify the reason why the project can now start. All the six tools of research are used to ensure that the information provided in the research is reliable and valid. One can only gain experience in the use of these tools by conducting many researches. By writing dissertations and research papers, one ahs to use these tools and in so doing gets a lot of experience in their use. Over time one gets to learn how to use the various tools. When it comes to computers, one has to solicit the help of computer experts an also using the help icon in the computer. For a researcher, it is very useful to join research projects as an assistant researcher. This ensures that one gains a lot of experience and by working with an expert researcher one is able to pick up quite a number of tricks in the research field. Also as a research assistant, one does a lot of work and so is able to come up with new and more effective ways of using the tools of research. On top of this, one is able to choose which tools they can use best and which ones they need to work on to understand how they are used. To learn to be an expert researcher, one can only go through the above mentioned process of first becoming a research assistant. The expert researcher has to be able to use the six tools of research namely the human mind, the computer and its software, the statistics, the traditional library, tools of measurement and the language facility. It one has gone through the process of becoming a research assistant, there is knowledge gained from constant use of the tools and one can then be able to decide which tools they are most comfortable using. All the tools are important and necessary to any researcher but the order of importance assigned to each tool is what differs from researcher to researcher. It is only through experience of having worked on many research projects does one become competent in the use of all the tools and so that is what any novice researcher concentrates more on. Q. 3 The dissertation topic is education on health promotion.  From the interview with the researcher, I have learned how to use the six tools of research in the dissertation topic. By using the human mind, the topic, which is education on health promotion, was chosen. Using the computer and its software, the topic will be researched on and the basic knowledge gathered. Since the topic has enough materials to be used, it will not be changed. The information is then supplemented with that from the traditional library. After the topic has been re-affirmed, the field information will be collected and this will be done by using tools of measurement that are reliable (http://www. ih. gov/news/researchtools/). Once the information has been collected, it is then analyzed, cleaned and coded. The findings will now be used in writing the paper. When writing the paper the language to be used has to be that which the targeted readers can understand. When writing one has to avoid plagiarism and ensuring that any information from other sources is cited will do this. The paper must be in the proper format and should include all the parts of a project paper. The conclusion will have to support the topic and reason for the research. It will therefore have to support education on health promotion

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Dredd Scott Case Essay -- Supreme Court American History Slavery E

The Dredd Scott Case The Dredd Scott case involved a landmark decision in the history of the Supreme Court, in the history of the United States the decision in this case was one of the most damaging statements in the history of the Supreme Court, involving the citizenship of a black person in the United States, and the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise in 1820. The history of a black man named Dredd Scott states that he was a slave originally owed by a family by the name of Blow, which ended up selling him in 1833 to an army surgeon by the name of Dr. John Emerson of St. Luis. Due to his involvement as an army surgeon, Emerson was transferred to numerous places such as Rock Island, Illinois, Fort Snelling in the Wisconsin Territory then back to St. Louis in the end of 1838. Scott had accompanied Emerson throughout this period. Emerson had taken Scott to places that forbidden slavery according to the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and Scott was even allowed to marry during this! time period on fre e territory, his companion being a woman who was also a slave owned by Emerson. As Emerson and Scott had returned to St. Louis, a territory where slavery was legal, Emerson died and Scott was left to his widow, who eventually gave Scott back to his original owners, the Blows. Henry Blow, Scott’s original master, was opposed to the extension of slavery into the Western territories, and Blow lent Scott’s residence on free soil in Illinois and Wisconsin Territory had made him a free man. In 1846, Dredd Scott brought suit in the state court on the grounds that residence in a free territory released him from slavery. A lower state court had found to be in favor of Scott, but in 1852, the Supreme Court of Missouri ruled that upon his return to territory where slavery was legal, the status of slavery was reattached to him and therefore he had no standing before the court. The case was brought before the federal circuit court, which took jurisdiction, but held against Scott. The case was taken on appeal to the Supreme Court, where it was argued at length in 1855 and 1856 and finally decided in 1857. The decision handed down by a majority of the vote of the court was that there was no power in the in the existing form of government to make citizens slave or free, ! and at the time of the formation of the US Constitution they were not and could not be citi... ...than presiding over a session of the circuit court), Taney on the 28th of May, 1861, declared Merryman entitled to his freedom on the grounds that he was illegally detained. In an unusual move, he filed and opinion condemning Merryman’s arrest as an arbitrary and illegal denial of civil liberty. Taney stated that military detention of civilians like Merryman was unconstitutional because only congress had authority to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus. Taney described the president as a mere administrative officer charged with faithful enforcement of the laws. according to the Chief Justice this amounted to a constitutional duty not to execute the laws "as they are expanded and adjudged by the co-ordinate branch of the government, to which that duty is assigned by the constitution." Taney sent a copy of his opinion to Lincoln. President Lincoln justified his action in a message to Congress in July 1861. He reasoned further that the framers did not intend that in an emergency no action should be taken to protect the public safety by suspending Habeas Corpus until Congress should be assembled. More importantly he ignored Taney’s opinion. Merryman, however, was later released.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Movie: All About Eve :: essays research papers

Movie: All About Eve English 30 Spring "97" In the film All About Eve, (directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz and released in 1950), Eve Harrison (Anne Baxter) was a young woman with evil running through her veins. She wanted to be "somebody" and chose to get there through Margo Channing (Betty Davis) who was a famous stage star. Eve would do whatever it took to get where she wanted to be, including hurt the ones that trusted her and took her in as a "lost lamb". Though Eve was already evil within and throughout, the people around her made it even easier to acomplish her goals. Margo was one of the most popular stage actresses and put herself high on a pedastel, and looked at someone like Eve as being below her, a poor soul that could be of no threat to anyone, especially Margo Channing. Eve played the meek and shy girl that idolized Margo. She claimed to attend all the preformaces of the play that week due to the fact that she adored Margo and she would have nowhere else to go anyway. Doing this allowed Eve to get her foot in the door. If it wasn't for Margo's conceitedness, Eve would have had to work a little bit harder to get this. Margo took her into her home. Margo's secretary-aid, Birdie (Thelma Ritter), was the first to sense something was strange about Eve, but her position made it not her place to speak her mind. Eve knew this and also knew it would be easy to take control of her position because of this. It would only seem to Margo that she enjoyed doing things for her. Eve charmed Bill Simpson (Gary Merrill), director and Margo's lover, with her feminine qualities that Margo lacked. Eve just seemed to be overly interested in everything Bill had to say about the theater. She used to keep him admiring her and at the same time, drove Margo crazy with jealousy to tear their relationship apart. Little did she realize, Bill had no romantic feelings towards Eve at all, so she blew her cover when she made a pass at him. Karen Richards (Celeste Holm), Margo's best friend, was the one that found and introduced Eve to Margo. She was the type of person that would anything for anyone, sort of niave and trusted Eve from day one. Karen was amazed by Eve's devotion towards her idol. After getting into Margo's home, she used Karen's kindness to subtly suggest that she would love to replace Margo's pregnant understudy. Once again she got her way.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Energy Needs Essay

Fracking or hydraulic fracturing is a method used to extract valuable gasses from rock formations in the earth. Some of these gasses include shale gas, tight gas and petroleum. In South Africa fracking is used to extract shale gas in the Karoo. Shale gas is a natural gas that forms when air is captured in rock formations under the ground. It is one of the main reasons why hydraulic fracturing is used. Shale gas is used especially in America. In 2000 shale gas made out one percent of America’s energy producers but in 2010 it replaced over 20% of America’s natural gas resources. There was claimed by experts that South Africa has the fifth biggest shale gas resources in the world while China has the biggest. There is hoped that this gas could be an alternative resource of energy for South Africa’s growing need. That is why the eighteen-month moratorium for the use of fracking, to extract shale gas, was lifted. Even though this could be a great opportunity for our country the damage caused to our environment would be far greater than the little energy it would produce. When fracking is used to extract this gas, water, harmful chemicals and sand is pumped into the fractures of the rock formation. Manmade machines mostly make these fractures that drill holes into the rocks over three thousand meters deep. When this mixture of the water, sand and chemicals reach the shale rock formations hidroxide gasses are released inside the rock. These gases are than captured and used for the generation of electricity. No one can say that fracking does not have a huge impact on the natural environment. Unluckily I am not too sure that it is a positive impact. The chemicals and toxins used in fracking are released into the scarce  underground water of the Karoo, making the water polluted and unusable. Harmful emissions are also released into the air when extracted causing a greenhouse effect on the environment. A study shows that 3,6 to 7,9% methane is released into the atmosphere after fracking has taken place. Even the use of shale gas causes air pollution. The fact that fracking causes allot of pollution cannot be missed. It was even banned in France because of all the pollution it would have made. Because of the negative effect of pollution on the environment, in this case air and water pollution, I can’t understand why such a thing was allowed. For me as part of a new generation it is more important to use clean alternative energy rather than to use short-term solutions with financial benefit just to cause the earth to decline faster.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Psychology of Color Essay

The brain receives signals from three different color channels: red, blue, and green. When the brain receives a mix of these signals, we perceive colors that are mixtures of these three primary colors through a process called color addition (Think Quest â€Å"Color Psychology†). All colored visible light can be expressed as either mixtures or consistencies of red, blue, or green, which by perception between the eyes and the brain, produces the vast spectrum of color that exists to humans and other organisms alike. With the ability to alter our moods and bodily functions, color has more of an impact on us than we may realize. Each color produces different effects on humans, bringing about numerous physiological and psychological changes as unique as the color itself. Its presence everywhere in our daily lives makes these effects inevitable, no matter how unaware we are of them. Colors not only alter the state of our mind and body but can also reveal a lot about ourselves, including our personality, experiences, and ability to evoke memories. Colors can be categorized into two groups, warm colors and cool colors. Warm colors consist of any shade of red, orange, yellow, and pink. They can evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger and hostility. Cool colors consist of greens, blues, and purples. Although they generally create a calming, soothing effect, they can also bring feelings of sadness or indifference (Kendra Cherry â€Å"Color Psychology: How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors†). Although each of the colors within these two groups produces altercations somewhat similar to those of its group members, they create their own objective, one-of-a-kind effects on the human body and mind. Red is one of the three primary colors, as well as one of three different color channels the brain receives signals from. It represents blood, heat, passion, love, intensity, danger, and is often associated with Christmas and Valentine’s Day (Nicholson, Mary, Dr. â€Å"Colors and Moods†). Being a very stimulating color, whenever the sight of it is picked up and signaled to the brain, red activates the adrenal glands. Physiologically, red can increase heart rate, respiration, appetite, and blood pressure. It can also raise stamina and improve the functioning of the central nervous system (Kate Smith, â€Å"Color: Meaning, Symbolism, and Psychology†). The psychological effects of red include feelings of anger, vitality, and a sense of protection from fears and anxieties. Red can also increase enthusiasm, irritability, and sensuality. With its ability to dispel negative thoughts, it encourages confidence, action, and ambition (Think Quest). In a study by professor of psychology Andrew Elliot and researcher Daniela Niesta, it has been demonstrated that the color red makes men â€Å"feel more amorous towards women† (Science Daily â€Å"Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Women, Psychological Study Reveals†). Even before the experiment, research provided both empirical and biological support to Elliot and Niesta’s claim. Empirically, red has been associated with romantic love and passions across cultures and the millennia. Biologically, they found faith in humans’ deep evolutionary roots to primates. Research has shown that â€Å"nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear sexual signal designed to attract males† (Science Daily). The study looked at men’s responses to photographs of women under various color presentations. In one experiment, subjects were shown a photograph of a woman framed by a border of red and either white, gray, green or blue. The men were then asked questions about how attractive they found the women to be. Another experiment consisted of two photos of the same woman in which the woman’s shirt was digitally colored either red or blue. Along with questions concerning attraction, they were also asked about their intentions about dating, such as â€Å"Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date? † (Science Daily). The results of the experiment showed that under all conditions, the women wearing or framed by red were rated significantly higher in attractiveness and sexual desirability than the exact same woman shown with any other color. Those whose favorite color is red are typically outgoing, impulsive, aggressive, and restless in personality. Red is a color chosen by those who carry an open nature and a zest for life (Annie B. Bond, â€Å"Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You†). Orange is a color that commands much attention. It represents warmth, enthusiasm, exuberance, liveliness and is also associated with Thanksgiving and Halloween (Nicholson). Physiologically, orange can stimulate the sexual organs, benefit the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. It incites activity, socialization, and due to its hate-it-or-love-it quality, it also sparks controversy (Smith). Psychologically, orange relieves feelings of self-pity, lack of self worth, and unwillingness to forgive. It can also open emotions, increase energy, and even serve as a perceptual antidepressant (Think Quest). Due to its association with arrogance, danger, and over-emotion, a survey proves that orange has been labeled as â€Å"America’s Least Favorite Color† (Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen â€Å"The Subconscious Psychology of Color†). People who prefer the color orange are often flamboyant, fun-loving, and enjoy living a social life. They can be somewhat histrionic and fickle, but are generally good-natured, agreeable, and popular (Bond). Yellow is an uplifting color that is most associated with optimism, intellectuality, enlightenment, happiness, and signs of a bright future. Yellow can increase alertness and decisiveness, encourage communication, and stimulate the muscles and lymph system. Yellow can also activate the brain, spark clear, creative and intelligent thoughts, encourage memory, and stimulate mental processes (Smith). In a psychological sense, yellow brings feelings of happiness and increases perceptiveness, self-confidence, and optimism. It aids in discernment, good judgment, organization, and understanding (Think Quest). However, a dull yellow can bring feelings of fear. Those who favor yellow generally tend to be adventurous, shrewd, and carry a strong sense of humor. They can often shun responsibility due to their freedom-loving personalities, but are usually clear and precise thinkers who have a good outlook on life (Bond). As one of the three color channels, green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye than most colors. Green represents nature, health, abundance, wealth, good luck, growth, peace, and clarity. Green can help acquire physical equilibrium and relaxation, and has been shown to be beneficial to the heart. It also relaxes muscles and induces slower, deeper breathing (Smith). Psychologically, green has a tranquilizing and balancing effect. It brings about comfort, laziness, relaxation, and harmony. It can also alleviate nervousness and anxiety, and offer a sense of renewal and self-control (Think Quest). Surveys show that Green is America’s second favorite color (Pawlik-Kienlen). It usually a color liked by those who are gentle, sincere, and reputable. However, their tendency to be too modest and patient can lead to their exploitation. They are generally community-minded people who prefer peace at any price (Bond). Blue is the last of the three color channels. It is closely associated with spirituality, melancholy, cleanliness, wisdom, sadness, trustworthiness, and commitment (Nicholson). Being at far ends of the color spectrum, the color blue has almost entirely opposite effects of the color red. Blue decreases appetite, breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. It also regulates sleep patterns, keeps bone marrow healthy, and stimulates the pituitary and thyroid glands and causes the production of calming chemicals. Blue brings feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can also eliminate insomnia, aid intuition, and increase mental clarity and control (Smith). However, an excessive amount of blue can be depressing and saddening (ThinkQuest). Surveys prove that the color blue, being the least gender specific, is labeled as â€Å"America’s Favorite Color† (Pawlik-Kienlen). People whose favorite color is blue are typically preserving, sensitive, and self-controlled. Even though they can be worriers who are often cautious, they are faithful and have steady character (Bond). Purple is the majestic color of mystery, creativity, unrest, and royalty (Nicholson). Being the mixture of red and blue, the effects of the color purple contain elements from those of both red and blue. Physiologically, purple can alleviate skin conditions; suppress hunger, balance metabolism, and calm the mind and nerves. It can also be perceived as an antiseptic and a narcotic (Smith). Psychologically, purple increases creativity, intuition, imagination, and sensitivity to beauty, high ideals, spirituality, and compassion. It can balance the mind, cleanse emotional disturbances, and combat states of shock and fear (Think Quest). Purple is the favorite color of adolescent girls. Those who prefer purple over all the other colors tend to be artistic, individualistic, fastidious, and witty. They can become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood, but are generally unconventional, tolerant, and dignified (Bond). Pink is associated with youth, romance, free spirit, lightheartedness, love (Nicholson). Being a lighter tint of red, many aspects of red are evident in the color pink. Pink can stimulate energy and help muscles relax. Like red, it also increases blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. Pink offers feelings of calmness, protection, and a sense of nurture. It encourages action, reduces erratic behavior, and sparks a desire to be carefree (Smith). Embodying the gentler qualities of red, pink represents unaggressive sensuality and unselfish love. People whose favorite color is pink are often charming, maternal, and gentle. However, they tend to desire a sheltered life and require affection, â€Å"perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile† (Bond). Brown is an organic color that represents reliability, approachability, the natural world, and connections with the Earth (Nicholson). It provides a sense of orderliness, security, stability, and wholesomeness. It also conveys withholding emotion and feelings of retreating from the world (Smith). Those who like the color brown are generally steady, conservative, conscientious, and dependable. They may be tactless and inflexible, but they are responsible and kind (Bond). Black, white, and gray are not considered colors, but are shades. Although they elicit no physiological effects, they still bring about psychological changes. Black represents authority, power, emptiness, sophistication, silence, and death (Nicholson). It evokes strong emotions and sense of potential and possibility. Black produces feelings of passiveness, emptiness, and being inconspicuous (Smith). Those who like black want to give a mysterious appearance, which indicates a suggestion of hidden depths and inner longings (Bond). White represents purity, neutrality, and safety (Nicholson). It aids mental clarity, encourages the elimination of clutter, purifies thoughts and actions, enables fresh beginnings, and offers a feeling of freedom and openness (Smith). However, an overabundance of white can bring feelings of separation, coldness, and isolation. People who like white indicate a desire for perfection, simplicity, and a recapture of lost youth and freshness (Bond). Gray is the shade in-between black and white. It is associated with dignity, conservativeness, control, independence, and authority (Nicholson). Gray increases independence, self-reliance, evasion, non-commitment, and lack of involvement (Smith). It is unsettling and creates a sense of high expectations, separation, and loneliness. Those who like gray are hard-working and often search for composure and a steady life with few ups and downs (Bond). The effects and associations of a color vary from person to person subjectively. Changes in the general effect of a color depend on some one’s personality, experiences, culture, and memories. Through a subjective perspective of color, a negative association with a color could cause undesirable effects and stir distaste towards that color. For example, if you receive a heartbreaking letter sealed in a green envelope, green may now be your least favorite color due to a new subconscious association with heartbreak and sorrow. In Elliot and Niesta’s study on the relationship between attraction and the color red, they also concluded that â€Å"Although red enhances positive feelings in this study, earlier research suggests the meaning of a color depends on its context. For example, Elliot and others have shown that seeing red in competition situations, such as written examinations or sporting events, leads to worse performance† (Science Daily). In a study conducted by UC Berkley, researchers found that people’s color preferences were linked to their experiences. â€Å"To conduct their studies, the researchers had four different groups perform four different tasks – rating their color preferences, recording the objects they associated with each color, rating how they felt about each object or matching an object to a color† (Rachel Banning-Lover â€Å"Study Links Color Preference to Experiences†). They found that color preference was highly shaped by experience. For example, one subject stated that their favorite color was pink, and then later admitted to having fond memories in her sister’s pink bedroom, which would produce a positive association with the color pink. The researchers also discovered a link between school spirit and color preferences. Those who attended Berkley generally preferred their own school colors, blue and gold, over red, Stanford’s school color. There has also been cross-cultural evidence that creates varying effects of color. â€Å"Cross-cultural differences can occur in two ways – different cultures may have different objects that influence individuals’ perceptions of certain colors, or two cultures may have the same object but may associate different feelings with that object† (Banning-Lover). For example, somebody from France may feel energized around navy blue—although blues are typically calming—due to the widespread use of the color in their country. Personality is a big, if not the biggest, impact on somebody’s preference and perception of a color. In general, extroverts or those with energetic personalities are drawn to richer, warmer colors, while introverts or those with relaxed personalities prefer cooler, more subtle colors (Bond). Colors that are found in certain areas of our everyday lives have a reason for being there. Understanding the objective effects of colors, many places have used certain colors to subconsciously manipulate the public into feeling or acting a desirable way, most of the time without them even realizing it. Red is commonly used in restaurants, both fast food and sit-downs, due to its ability to increase the appetites of its customers and therefore increasing their likelihood of buying more food. Orange is the color of most traffic cones and construction signs. Used to grab drivers’ attention, orange increases their awareness to prevent accidents. Green lights are often used in forensics due to its ability to incite a confession from criminals more than any other color of light. With its strong connection with the Earth, green is also used to promote environmentalism. Blue is commonly used in hospitals to calm patients. Research also shows that people are more productive in blue rooms, for example, weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms (David Johnson â€Å"Color Psychology†). Pink is proven to reduce erratic behavior, and is therefore used in many prison holding cells (Think Quest). Due to its ability to tranquilize, sports teams sometimes paint the locker room of the opposing team pinks so their opponents will lose energy. White symbolizes neutrality and is used for truce flags. It is also worn by doctors and nurses to imply sterility (Johnson). The roots of studying the effects of color can be traced back to ancient cultures, such as the Chinese and Egyptians. They practiced â€Å"chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. † For example, â€Å"blue was believed to soothe illness and treat pain,† while â€Å"yellow was thought to stimulate the body† (Cherry). Just like color psychology received much skepticism in ancient times; it still receives much skepticism today. No matter how unaware we are of the physiological and psychological effects of color, there is no doubt that color has a huge impact on our lives, playing a role in moods, decisions, sensations, and much more.

All Conflict in Literature Is, in Its Simplest Form, a Struggle Between Good and Evil Essay

â€Å"All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil. † This statement means that all the themes and struggles in literature, when broken down to their most simplest forms, are a conflict between good and evil. Usually in conflicts, there are two sides that fight over one thing. One side is considered good, while the other side is considered bad. The people that are good do it for the right thing while the people that are bad do it for the wrong reasons. This is considered to be in every conflict when carefully analyzed. This statement is not valid because a conflict does not have to be about good and evil. A conflict can be internal, where a struggle takes place in the character’s mind. Something can happen to a character that emotional scars him or her, or cause mental instability. Also, there can be a conflict between two sides but it does not mean either one is good or evil. For example, two sides are fighting each other to gain territory from the other. Neither is good or bad because they fight for the same reason, defeating the other to take what they have. One example of a book that proves this is The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger. In this book, the main character Holden Caulfield is faced with several conflicts. Some of these conflicts include conflicts with himself and conflicts with society. Holden has a hard time dealing with everyday life and secludes himself from the outside world. He believes everyone around him is phony but in actuality, Holden is the biggest phony. Most of this is caused from the death of his brother which made him mentally instable. The conflict in this story is not about good and evil, but the fact that the main character is unable to deal with others because of the way he views things. Another book that proves this is The Iliad, by Homer. There is no good or bad in this story, because each of the characters are caught in their own conflicts. On the Greek side, Menelaus wants to defeat the Trojans and take Helen back while Agamemnon wants to take over Trojan territory. On the Trojan side, Hector wants to get rid of the Greeks while Paris wants to keep Helen. Achilles does not want to get involved in the war but he fights for the Greeks to avenge his cousin’s death. These chain of conflicts all start from Helen leaving the Trojans for Paris, which leads to the war between the Greeks and Trojans. Although most conflicts are between good and evil, they do not have to be. The first example used shows that conflicts can be internal, where a problem occurs in the character’s mind through which the character reaches a new understanding of things. The second example shows that conflicts do not have to have a good or evil in them, conflict is caused because of personal reasons. The statement given may seem true but after analyzing several books, it can be proved to be false.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Media Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Media Literacy - Essay Example The imagery of the video is rather provocative, though it isn’t deprived of aesthetic value and adherence to design principles. The very first visual feature to be mentioned is a peculiar color scheme including no too bright or light hues, with the overall atmosphere of the video being a little bit sombre. The depicted venue is the bar – or even a brothel – hosting rather strange and extravagant characters: a cardinal in a red robe, a priest, prostitutes, musicians playing live, several oddly dressed women, a supposed sinner lashing himself with a whip and a beggar outside the bar. Dominating black, burgundy, white and various yellowish shades endow the color appearance with certain aristocraticism, which is then purposefully supported by other elements of video design such as style of interior, lighting and costumes. Moreover, the imagery contains balanced repetition of dominating colors and shades, which makes the video look like a whole and seamless piece and creates unity. Also, a design principle used in the video design is opposition, as opposite visual concepts are drawn together here (Bartel, 2012). A mysterious white-veiled woman, which seems to symbolize purity, is opposed to a weary prostitute dressed in black; moreover, the opposition of clergymen and prostitutes, i.e. sinners, arrests one’s attention. In addition, a very significant image used in the video is the imitation of a Renaissance painting, which is virtually â€Å"imbedded† in the ending of the video, yet, with a pinch of mocking. The visual imagery used in ‘The Next Day’ obviously serves to communicate a rather profound yet daring message – along with the lyrics of the song, it serves to express Bowie’s radical criticism of Catholic church and its corruption. Clear and hidden religious symbols as well as actions of the featuring actors depict the most unpleasant sides of clergy and church