Thursday, December 26, 2019

Love Is An Unbreakable And Undeniable Force - 1028 Words

Love through Poetry Love is a very ambiguous concept. The true meaning is completely subjective in nature. To a biologist, it could mean the release of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. To a poet, such as Robert Burns, love can be described like â€Å"the melodie, / That s sweetly play d in tune† (3-4). Even with love’s complex meaning, Robert Burns, Amjad Nasser, and Maya Angelou give their takes on love’s meaning in different but similar ways. The similarity running through all three poems is not one trait, but a combination of all three underlying messages. The messages in short, are that love is an unbreakable and undeniable force. A deep feeling inside that can hurt us if we do not take love for what it is. A force that can heal and comfort today’s sorrows. Overall, love brings people together with its warm, soothing embrace. The poem A RED, RED ROSE, Robert Burns shows how tender and sweet love is by drawing comparisons to love in ways like this; â€Å"like a red, red rose, / That s newly sprung in June / †¦ like the melodie, / That s sweetly play d in tune† (1-4). This excerpt shows the warm and gentle nature of love. Just like the rose and the song, love is also delicate by nature. It can’t be rushed or forced, it needs to be natural. Further into the poem, Burns begins to tell of how timeless and sustainable love is. Burns describes the immeasurable amount of time that love lasts with hyperboles describing a near infinite amount of time and how his feeling will carryShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Maeve Binchys Light A Penny Candle971 Words   |  4 PagesElizabeth endures a painful life when Violet leaves for another man, dates a lover who will not marry her, and must cope with a marriage lavished with arguments with her husband, Henry Manson. Eileen’s daughter Aisling experiences a childhood full of love due to committed parents, but marries an alcoholic who leaves her a wealthy widow; she then ha s meaningless relationships with Elizabeths ex-lover and a married man. In Light a Penny Candle, due to the resolution of conflict and the clarificationRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare Remains A Powerful Literary Force To1091 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare remains a powerful literary force to this day, and few of Shakespeare s works are as well-known as Macbeth. The play s epic tale of ambition and greed never fails to captivate audiences. The major themes of this quintessential work are hackneyed in the world of literary criticism: the role of ambition in Macbeth s demise, the role of spirits and witches in carrying out evil, the corrupting of human morals, and many other similar themes. However, another equally important themeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare Has Remained A Powerful Literary Force1088 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare has remained a powerful literary force to this day, and few of his works are as well known as Macbeth. The play s epic tale of ambition an d greed never fails to captivate audiences. The major themes of this quintessential work are hackneyed in the world of literary criticism: the role of ambition in Macbeth s demise, the role of spirits and witches in carrying out evil, the corrupting of human morals, and many other similar themes. However, another equally important theme isRead MoreMy First Day Of College At Colorado State University- Global Campus1399 Words   |  6 Pagestechnically not. However, my career is not the only reason that I want this degree. I also want this for the other people in my life, my wife and my children. My family is my motivation to get up and get after it every day. 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This establishment of sex as an innate function of one’sRead MorePersonalities of Lee and Jackson: Reflections in War Tactics2120 Words   |  9 Pagestimes of war to let them know that he was still well and thinking of them; even in times of his hardest battles, Lee found time to write to his family and express his love to them all. In his son, Robert Edward Lee’s book, letters from Robert E. Lee to his family and others are examined; hardly ever was there a letter that did not have love in it. Graduating second in his class at West Point, there was no question that Lee had the intelligence and drive to lead and command an army (Monsell 182). ThatRead MoreBook Report/Charac ter Analysis on the Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck5483 Words   |  22 Pagestry. Sir Balin draws the sword effortlessly and all around him are astonished. The damsel asks for the sword back, but Balin refuses, saying he will not give it up until someone takes it from him by force. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

India s Indian Corruption Crisis - 1643 Words

Due to weak government institutions, the Indian government has become extremely corrupt and this has caused Indians to lose trust in officials, feel unprotected by the authorities, which is causing chaos in politically weaker parts of India. The history of India, Inequalities, poverty, desire for wealth, and desire for power have led to the corruption in India, which is causing chaos in politically unstable parts of the country and causing the ‘Indian Corruption Crisis’. The history of India has lead to India having issues in its government that lead to it becoming a corrupt nation. The history of India is far too extensive to explain, but it starts with northern India, which was civilized land by 500 BC. â€Å"The people had knowledge of iron†¦show more content†¦When the British Empire first conquered India, A new form of Government was introduced, and after India’s independence, kings still ruled in India for six months until India was brought together and India’s government was officially created. After freedom from Great Britain, in the time before India became united, it had many internal conflicts as there was still a central government to be made and since it was a mercantile colony, India was under much poverty when the government finally stabilized and so there was a lot of poverty and crime that came along with their independance. Due to the inequalities created by high populations and disparities, corruption is bor n. â€Å"India is one of the most populous nations on Earth, with around 15% of the global population.† (StAndrews #3) So clearly, saying that India has a large population is a huge understatement. Small conflicts arise in small populations with inequalities, but India consists of no small populace. And starting out as a mercantile colony really created a setback in India. It was hard to become industrialized since some resources were already stripped of India by Britain. And on top of that the high population helped create a higher demand than supply and this helped start inequalities among areas of India. The richer parts of India flourished faster than the poorer parts of India, and since they developed at different paces, in the 20th century, there

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Simulation Techniques Financial Management †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Simulation Techniques Financial Management? Answer: Introduction The term capital budgeting can be said to be a process identification and selection of investments in various types of assets in either long term or short term. The process of capital budgeting is an ongoing process since a business organization is expected to make investments continuously. There are five stages involved in the process of capital budgeting. These stages include Screening and selection of investments (Stage 1), Proposal of capital budgeting (Stage 2), Authorization and approval of budgeting process (Stage 3), Tracking the project (Stage 4), and Post completion Audit (Stage 5) (Peterson Fabozzi, 2002; Bierman Smidt, 2007). There are various techniques through which the capital budgeting decisions are taken such as Internal Rate of Return technique and Net Present Value technique, which can be used to make an evaluation of the project, i.e. whether to carry on with the project or not. The term Internal Rate of Return or simply IRR can be defined as a rate of discount on which the Net Present Value or the NPV of project cash flows becomes zero (Investopedia, 2017). In other words, IRR can be said to be a metric which is often used for the measurement of profitability of various alternatives of potential investments. Net Present Value or NPV, on the other hand, can be defined as the present value of cash inflows minus the present value of cash outflows (Investopedia, 2017; Megginson et al., 2008). This is also used to evaluate the profitability from a given project. Thus, in this assignment, various techniques such as sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, simulation techniques and break even analysis in relation to the techniques of capital budgeting have been analyzed. Techniques of Risk Assessment There are various ways in which risks can be handled effectively, which include both conventional and modern techniques. The modern techniques of handling risks in a capital budgeting decision project are statistical, quite complicated and sophisticated techniques of assessment of risks. These tools and techniques are specifically used for measuring risks in a capital budgeting decision. The detailed analysis of four of the major risk assessment techniques of capital budgeting are given below: Sensitivity Analysis The most common method of evaluating risk in a capital budgeting decision is sensitivity analysis. With the help of this technique, the managers of a business organization can measure the sensitivity of a capital budgeting decision with respect to the changes whether big or small in the values of various factors. In other words, sensitivity analysis can be said to be a manner in which the changes in Net Present Value of a project can be analyzed if one or more variables associated with it are changed. This technique provides an indication of the level to which the Net Present Value and the Internal rate of Return are sensitive to changes in associated variables. If the sensitivity of the NPV of a project is on the higher side, it is indicative of the fact that the variable which is changed is critical for the project (Bedi, 2005). Various steps are involved in using sensitivity analysis for capital budgeting projects. These steps include the following: It is quite essential to identify all the variables which have the capability to influence the NPV or the IRR of a project. The next step is to define the underlying relationship between the NPV or IRR and other variables. After providing the definition, it is rather essential to analyze the impact of the change that has occurred in each of the variables on the NPV or IRR of the project. While performing sensitivity analysis on a project, the decision maker has to take into consideration the NPV or the IRR of the project for each of the forecast. This analysis is based on three important assumptions, which are Optimistic, Expected and Pessimistic. These assumptions allow the manager of the project to ask 'What if' questions. For instance, what is the net present value of a project if the sales increase or decrease? Another question includes, what is the impact on the NPV of a project of increase or decrease in the selling price of the products. Thus, it can be said that the sensitivity of change in one variable associated with a project can be measured with the help of using sensitivity analysis tool. This tool is also called as 'What if' analysis tool and it measures the sensitivity of the outcome of the project to changes in one or more variables. Such variables include change in volume, sales, price of the raw materials and purchases. The outcome of a project is more dependent upon particular types of inputs which are associated to the project rather than other inputs. If everything is kept constant and the change is made in one variable which is directly associated with the project the outcome from the project is bound to change. Thus, with the help of sensitivity analysis, we can analyze how sensitive our project is to change in volume or sales rather than WACC or any other variable. After this analysis, the managers will be able to focus upon putting in resources for ensuring accuracy in estimation for the inputs that are required so as to make the project a success (Madura, 2008; Samonas, 2015). An example can be used to explain the process. A manufacturing company has to undertake a new project. The NPV calculated by the manager of the project is in positive, say $ 50000. The outlay required for the project is approximately $ 250000. The management of the company was interested in finding out the impact of change in selling price on the project's NPV. It is to be further assumed that the sensitivity analysis indicates a decline in selling price of the project by 5% and this change is likely to make the NPV negative. The signal given by this is that the project which is going to be undertaken is highly risky. On the other hand, if the NPV continues to be positive even with decline in sales by 25%, the project can be said to be having a low level of risk. It is clear from the above example that sensitivity analysis is essential for making the manager understand the level of risk involved in any new project which is planned to be undertaken by the organization. Scenario Analysis It is widely known that the most common tool to assess project risk is sensitivity analysis. However, apart from sensitivity analysis there are some other tools as well which are often used by managers to determine risks while making capital budgeting decisions. The managers of an organization are always interested in evaluating the impact on a project given that all major variables change at the same point of time. This is a limitation of sensitivity analysis as the impact of change in only one variable can be determined. However, this limitation of sensitivity analysis can be resolved by scenario analysis. This method helps in the measurement of Net Present Value (NPV) of the project in different scenarios. It also includes making the change in several variables at one point of time since all the variables are interrelated with each other. In this technique, all the possible future events are analyzed by considering various alternative results (Baker English, 2011). In a scenario analysis, there are several scenarios for showing possible future results and it is rather useful for generation of a combination of three different scenarios, namely, pessimistic, an optimistic and a most likely scenario. As per the experience of various experts, these three events or scenarios are essential for further discussion. However, any more scenarios than this will lead to an unclear analysis. This analysis basically has its focus upon estimating the value of a portfolio and whether it will increase or decrease if there is a best case scenario or a worst case scenario (Shodhganga, 2017). There are four components which are critical to the concept of sensitivity analysis. The first is related to determining the factors on the basis of which various scenarios will be built. The second one is related to identification of number of scenarios for analyzing each of the given factors. The third one is related to the estimation cash flows from the asset under each of the given scenarios. The fourth step is related to estimating the probabilities and on the basis of such probabilities computation of expected NPV will be undertaken (Dayananda, 2002). Break-Even Analysis The most crucial variable on which the capital budgeting decisions are usually made is the volume of sales that will be generated if a project is undertaken. If any organization is planning to enter into a new market, it is rather difficult to analyze and evaluate the sales from the project. This is the major reason of considering sales the most essential variables as compared to the others. One of the most popular techniques to evaluate capital budgeting decisions is break even analysis. It is usually used for evaluating the relationship between profitability of the organization as well as sales volume (Cafferky, 2010). There are several types of breakeven measures such as pay-back period which can be interpreted on the basis of the time period till the project attains break-even point. However, the time value of money is completely ignored in this break even analysis (Shim Siegel, 2007). All the measures of the break-even point have a same types of goal. With the help of break-eve n analysis, the managers of a project will be able to determine the volume of sales that would be generated if a project is accepted. With the help of this information, the managers will be able to take a capital budgeting decision whether the project must be accepted or not and whether the project will be profitable in the long run (Brigham Houston, 2015). Simulation Techniques One another technique to identify the level of risk while undertaking a new project is the simulation technique. Simulation technique is a statistical tool which is often employed by the managers to identify the level of risk involved in a project while making capital budgeting decisions. Simulation model is somewhat related to sensitivity analysis. However, there are more advantages of the simulation model than the sensitivity model. This method is more comprehensive than the model of sensitivity analysis. In this method, the impact of a single variable on NPV of a project is not tested rather the model of simulation technique helps in enabling the probable value distribution of NPV with respect to changes in all the variables. This change can be tested in one run only. This method provides better information and understanding of the various kinds of risks associated with decisions related to investments. In order to perform effectively, the simulation process requires a computing p ackage which is sophisticated and latest as it helps in generating the results of the process with ease (Chan Wong, 2015). There are various steps that are involved in the process of simulation which helps in making good investment decisions. The first step involved in the process is related to developing a model specific to the investment project which is going to be used by the software in computer. After the development of the model, a random value is calculated by the computer which is in terms of NPV (Shodhganga, 2017). This will be done for each and every identified variable with respect to the model. For each random values set generation of a new series of NPV as well as cash flows. The most significant variables in a particular project of capital budgeting are the size of the market, share in the market, sales price, fixed costs, salvage value of the assets, variable cost and also the rate of growth. Generation of random values is repeated over a number of times. This activity of generation of random numbers helps in developing probability distribution. This probability distribution so generated helps in the computation of expected value of the standard deviation and also the NPV of the project. This value of standard deviation so derived is then used to determine the risk related to the project (Jain Khan, 2007). Conclusion From the above explanation it can be deduced that the development of probability distribution is not only more dependable but it allows the managers to take decisions continuously with possible outcomes rather than taking decisions at a single point estimation. References Baker, H.K. English, P., 2011. Capital Budgeting Valuation: Financial Analysis for Today's Investment Projects. John Wiley Sons. Bedi, A., 2005. Capital Budgeting. Deep and Deep Publications. Bierman, H. Smidt, S., 2007. The Capital Budgeting Decision: Economic Analysis of Investment Projects. Routledge. Brigham, E.F. Houston, J.F., 2015. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Cengage Learning. Cafferky, M., 2010. Breakeven Analysis: The Definitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Business Expert Press. Chan, N.H. Wong, H.Y., 2015. Simulation Techniques in Financial Risk Management. John Wiley Sons. Dayananda, D., 2002. Capital Budgeting: Financial Appraisal of Investment Projects. Cambridge University Press. Investopedia, 2017. Internal Rate Of Return - IRR. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 September 2017]. Investopedia, 2017. Net Present Value - NPV. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 September 2017]. Jain Khan, 2007. Financial Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Madura, J., 2008. International Financial Management. Cengage Learning. Megginson, W.L., Lucey, B.M. Smart, S.B., 2008. Introduction to Corporate Finance. Cengage Learning EMEA. Peterson, P.P. Fabozzi, F.J., 2002. Capital Budgeting: Theory and Practice. John Wiley Sons. Samonas, M., 2015. Financial Forecasting, Analysis and Modelling: A Framework for Long-Term Forecasting. John Wiley Sons. Shim, J.K. Siegel, J.G., 2007. Handbook of Financial Analysis, Forecasting, and Modeling. CCH. Shodhganga, 2017. Capital Budgeting Practices - A Theoretical Framework. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 September 2017].

Monday, December 2, 2019

Personal success free essay sample

To be successful in life is something every person wishes for. How one becomes successful is defined differently by each individual. Achieving success is not only about how much money one makes as many might believe. Although, to be financially stable is one part of my definition of success, my personal definition also includes many other aspects of life that are important to me. For me, success is really the satisfaction with which I am today and the commitment to continue to grow. As I continue to grow as a person, I think years down the road I will consider my life a complete success. Earning my GED a year after I dropped out of high school was a success to me, even though some thought I was smart enough to graduate rather than achieve the equivalency. I will continue to make mistakes and I will continue to learn from those mistakes. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Knowing that I am capable of accomplishing anything I put my mind to is my motivation to continue my education. Registering in 2010 at SBC, then dropping out was a complete failure, but my reasons were more important to me at that time. As time went on I realized that I should have stuck it out and continued attending my courses. Then I would have been further in my academics and that is a lesson that one of life’s stepping stones has brought me. Never give up! My current academic achievement has just begun and I am content with where I’m at now than I was two years ago. As long as I’m content and happy with what I’m doing then I will continue to better my education until I earn my degree. Helping others in need when that need is achievable for me is success. To have healthy relationships with my family, friends, and my significant other are my views of personal success. To keep learning, trying new things, and hopefully growing wiser in the process. If I can look back at my life and be happy with the choices I have made, respect who I have become, feel proud of how I have treated others then I will feel that satisfaction of success. To look in the mirror having peace of mind and honestly say to myself that I have enjoyed the journey that life has bestowed upon me then what a success I will be.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Literary Critique of C. S. Lewis Essays - Criticism Of Atheism

A Literary Critique of C. S. Lewis Essays - Criticism Of Atheism A Literary Critique of C. S. Lewis A Literary Critique of C. S. Lewis: The Case for Christianity, The World's Last Night and Problem with Pain I. Introduction II. Brief Biographical Information III. The Case for Christianity - Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe IV. The Problem with Pain - Divine Omnipotence V. The World's Last Night - The Efficacy of Prayer VI. Conclusion A Critique of C. S. Lewis "A Relativist said, 'The world does not exist, England does not exist, Oxford does not exist and I am confident that I do not Exist!' When Lewis was asked to reply, he stood up and said, 'How am I to talk to a man who's not there?'" - C. S. Lewis: A Biography Clive Staples Lewis was born, in 1898, in Belfast. C. S. Lewis was educated at various schools in England. In 1914, Lewis began studying Latin, Greek, French, German and Italian under the private tuition of W. T. Kirkpatrick. He then moved to Oxford where his studies were interrupted by World War I (1917). Two years later he was back in Oxford resuming his studies. In 1924, Lewis was "elected" to teach Literature and Language at Magdalen College, Oxford and remained there till 1954. During this time period in his life, Lewis wrote the majority of his work. Lewis moved to Cambridge for the remainder of his life teaching Medieval and Renaissance Literature.1 C. S. Lewis was a man dedicated to the pursuit of truth who" believed in argument, in disputation, and in the dialectic of Reason. . ."2 He began his pursuit of truth as an atheist and ended up as a Christian. His works the Problem of Pain and Mere Christianity dealt with issues he struggled with. Mere Christianity consists of three separate radio broadcasts. One of the broadcasts was titled The Case For Christianity. In The Case For Christianity, Lewis discussed two crucial topics in his apologetic defense of Christianity. They were the "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe" and "What Christians Believe". This critique will address the first chapter. "Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe", can be broken into three parts. The first deals with moral law and its existence. The second addresses the idea of a power or mind behind the universe, who, is intensely interested in right conduct. Also that this power or God is good. Good as in the area of truth, not soft and sympathetic. The third point moves to Christianity, its attributes and why it was necessary for the long" round-about" approach . The law of nature binds humans as would the laws of gravity apply to a falling stone. It is called the law of nature because it does not need to be taught. Lewis points out that an odd individual may exist "here and there who didn't know it, just as you find s few people who are colour-blind or have no ear for tune. But taking the race as a whole, they thought that the human idea of Decent Behavior was obvious to every one."3 Lewis brilliantly defended his statement of natural law's existence. Two arguments, which argue for relativity, posted against him are the "herd" instincts or genetic inborn in us ( i.e. motherly love, survival or sexual impulses) and that which is taught socially or learned. Historically, these to interpretations of human behavior have clashed, however, he suggest that "reason" is above both. He clarifies his position by classifying impulses as separate from the decision to follow the impulse itself. The "learned" argument is refuted by his analogy of a boy on the island who is unaware of the existence of the process of multiplication. He never attended school and learned them. The education would be classified as "human convention". This human convention, consequently, did not invent multiplication just as it did not invent the law of nature. However, this comparison is based on a false assumption. The law of nature, as Lewis argued, is not taught but some how exists as an inherent part of the human psyche. This law also presents itself in the form of decisions and actions in line with what ought to

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mass Percentage - Definition and Example

Mass Percentage Mass percentage is one way of representing the concentration of an element in a compound or a component in a mixture. Mass percentage is calculated as the mass of a component divided by the total mass of the mixture, multiplied by 100%. Also Known As: mass percent, (w/w)% Mass Percentage Formula Mass percent is the mass of the element or solute divided by the mass of the compound or solute. The result is multiplied by 100 to give a percent. The formula for the amount of an element in a compound is: mass percent (mass of element in 1 mole of compound / mass of 1 mole of compound) x 100 The formula for a solution is: mass percent (grams of solute / grams of solute plus solvent) x 100 or mass percent (grams of solute / grams of solution) x 100 The final answer is given as %. Mass Percentage Examples Example 1: Ordinary bleach is 5.25% NaOCl by mass, which means each 100 g of bleach contains 5.25 g NaOCl. Example 2: Find the mass percentage of 6 g sodium hydroxide dissolved in 50 g of water. (Note: since the density of water is nearly 1, this type of question often gives the volume of water in milliliters.) First find the total mass of the solution: total mass 6 g sodium hydroxide 50 g watertotal mass 56 g Now, you can find the mass percentage of the sodium hydroxide using the formula: mass percent (grams of solute / grams of solution) x 100mass percent (6 g NaOH / 56 g solution) x 100mass percent (0.1074) x 100answer 10.74% NaOH Example 3: Find the masses of sodium chloride and water required to obtain 175 g of a 15% solution. This problem is a bit different because it gives you the mass percentage and asks you to then find how much solute and solvent are needed to yield a total mass of 175 grams. Start with the usual equation and fill in the given information: mass percent (grams solute / grams solution) x 10015% (x grams sodium chloride / 175 g total) x 100 Solving for x will give you the amount of NaCl: x 15 x 175 / 100x 26.25 grams NaCl So, now you know how much salt is needed. The solution consists of the sum of the amount of salt and water. Simply subtract the mass of salt from the solution to obtain the mass of water that is required: mass of water total mass - mass of saltmass of water 175 g - 26.25 gmass of water 147.75 g Example 4: What is the mass percent of hydrogen in water? First, you need the formula for water, which is H2O. Next you look up the mass for 1 mole of hydrogen and oxygen (the atomic masses) using a periodic table. hydrogen mass 1.008 grams per moleoxygen mass 16.00 grams per mole Next, you use the mass percentage formula. The key to performing the calculation correctly is to note there are 2 atoms of hydrogen in each water molecule. So, in 1 mole of water there are 2 x 1.008 grams of hydrogen. The total mass of the compound is the sum of the mass of the two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. mass percent (mass of element in 1 mole of compound / mass of 1 mole of compound) x 100mass percent hydrogen [(2 x 1.008) / (2 x 1.008 16.00)] x 100mass percent hydrogen (2.016 / 18.016) x 100mass percentage hydrogen 11.19%

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parents Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Parents Role - Essay Example Considerable financial investments frequently match this poignant investment. Coaching, travel, equipments, facilities, etc. augment the price tag for sport involvement and parents raised up the tab. While we distinguish the prospective influence of parental involvement, we know little concerning how young athletes distinguish parental investment and support (White, S. A., & Duda, J. L. 1994). Nor do we recognize the prospective influence of parents on the psychosomatic variables of motivation and anxiety. Newsham & Murphey (1999) asserted that "the main purpose of sport is to create an opportunity for fun and growth. All the triumphs and heartaches that are inherent in sport can provide learning experiences and lessons that help pave the road to adulthood." Basically, there are two dilemmas for girls and parents of elite gymnasts. Opportunities are not enthusiastically available, and parents, particularly fathers, do not keenly support their daughters to join in athletics. This is not, inevitably, a conscious omission, but one that is a product of society. Daughters do not have the similar openings in youth leagues their fathers had. Miller Lite and the Women's Sports Foundation (1985) carried out a poll and in which questions asked was, "In your opinion, which of the following are the biggest barriers to increased participation by women in sports and fitness" The random sample of more than seven thousand respondents claimed, as their number one answer, "Lack of involvement and training as children. This poll showed that more than thirty percent of the respondents did not participate on pre high school athletic teams. "The Wilson Report: Moms, Dads, Daughters and Sports" (1988) confirmed the Miller Lite findings. In a random telephone survey of more than thousand mothers and fathers, and 513 of their seven to eighteen-year-old daughters, only 35 percent of daughters seven to ten years of age and 28 percent of daughters eleven to fourteen years of age became associated in athletics through community organizations; 24 percent of seven to ten year olds and 18 percent of eleven to fourteen-year-olds become concerned through private organizations; and just 6 percent of seven to ten-year-olds and 11 percent of eleven to fourteen-year-olds participated through their church organization. Though, other resources show an increase statistics; yet, it is still inadequate. According to the 1993 "Miller Lite Report on Sports and Fitness in the Lives of Working Women," prior to the passage of Title IX in 1972, only fifty percent of all girls take part in sports; above sixty percent took part after the passage of the law. It is also found that participation in organized youth sport programs is an accepted part of childhood development in the United States to greater extent in comparison with Britain (Coakley, 1998) and has the potential to have an enormous influence on the self-concept of children (Smith & Smoll, 1990). Coaches' parched parents mostly influence whether the female sport experience is optimistic (Sabo, D. 1988). Over the past thirty years several findings have been reported concerning adolescent athletes motives to participate or end involvement in youth sports. (Harris, D.V. 1979, Gill, D.L., Gross, J. B., & Huddleston, S.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


HOW CAN ORGANISATIONS EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENT RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES TO CREATE THE BEST POOL OF APPLICANTS - Dissertation Example Finally, the chapter concludes on discussion on ethical considerations and contribution of this study to academic literature. 3.1.1 Deductive Hussey and Hussey (1997) have highlighted the importance of deductive approach so that the researcher could test the findings from project by using theoretical models and frameworks. For instance, this deductive approach enables the research in checking the scope of data and its relevance. In other words, this approach is quite useful because the researcher could accomplish his / her aims and objectives through performing various tests for confirmation of hypotheses (Chapman & Webster, 2003; Lallemand, et al., 2005). Saunders et al. (2009) also pointed out that deductive approach is feasible for researchers that conduct tests to prove / disprove hypotheses and to draw inferences in the light of results. 3.2 Research Philosophy Easterby-Smith et al. (2006) have argued that one of the research philosophies for data collection is known as positivi sm. For instance, this approach holds that only authentic knowledge is that which is based on sense, experience and positive verification. Saunders et al (2009) have highlighted that positivism is a philosophy which holds that the scientific method should be used to investigate the processes. However, Spens and Kovacs (2006) confirmed that the probability of personal / observer bias and structural limitations is high in positivism. Nevertheless, this is an HRM project and the researcher is concerned with investigation of recruitment procedures that would create best workforce within an organisation; therefore, the scientific method (quantitative) would enhance the scope and validity of this research project. 3.3 Research Design According to Saunders et al (2007), there are four major types of data collection methods including survey, experiments, observations and interviews. For instance, the primary data could be analysed by using case study approach in which a research focuses on comprehensive investigation of different aspects in an organisation. The research, therefore, will use case study method to comprehend the effectiveness of recruitment methods used in Kraft Foods for creating best pool of employees. The researcher will not adopt inductive approach because he is not inclined to develop a new theory. 3.3.1 Case Study Approach Eisenhardt (1989) has made significant contribution towards the use of Case Study Approach by pointing out that Case Study analysis could be used to develop theories. Indeed, this type of analysis takes into account a particular setting and then focuses on explanation and ‘understanding of dynamics’ (Stake, 1994). For instance, Yin (2003) maintains that the Case Study approach focuses on comprehensive evaluation and multiple levels of analysis because it covers a case from many aspects (Cameron & Price, 2009). In addition, this approach is quite useful because it helps â€Å"providing description, testing any existi ng theory and generating a new theory† based on findings from previous researches and literature, current theoretical frameworks and new research project (Eisenhardt, 1989, p. 535). 3.3.2 Excel Once the data on recruitment techniques have been collected from filling of questionnaires, the researcher will utilise Microsoft Excel software (depending upon his convenience) for making calculations, creating tables, charts

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Prisoner Without a Name Book Review Essay Example for Free

Prisoner Without a Name Book Review Essay Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a number is a melancholy novel that expresses Argentina’s terrorist state. Jacob Timerman, a well respected man of Argentina, an editor of a well know Argentinian paper, La Opinion, tells the audience his story of the terrorist state of Argentina from 1967-1978. His gripping novel both describes his personal experience being kidnapped by terrorist, while he tells us about the condition of the terrorist state of Argentina. His book is important because it tells a first hand account of the fear, the distrust, and the mere insanity of conditions in the country of Argentina during its darkest time. In Timerman’s first chapter, he opens by describing how he lives (though being locked up in a cell is not living) while being locked away in an unknown location (p.g. 4). He first describes his own â€Å"cell†. He is extremely descriptive and the reader can feel as though they are in his small, narrow, cold, wet cell. He tells his audience of a little crack in the wall, his only ventilation and only source of light, in such little detail, yet the reader can understand his isolation from light, the outside world, and his family. Timerman describes the crack as a â€Å"faint glow, night and day, eliminating time† which represents his unwilling determination and hope for freedom. Timerman’s first chapter also gives the reader a sense that through all the events he has under gone, he still remains the same strong willed person (under the circumstances) he was as he is described in the rest of the book. In addition to he crack in the wall, Timerman describes an encounter with another prisoner when the eyehole of his cell accidentally left open by the guards. He describes his encounter with such passion and emotion, yet they do not say anything,, only stare at each other. Timerman describes how their movements, their eyes blinking, represented emotion and passionate communication between the two of them. For in these conditions seeing someone who is in the same situation and somehow communicating with them was extraordinary for Timerman. This encounter that he describes is an important aspect of his book, in that it represents an encounter with another person struggling through the same pain, and same tourture that he is experiencing. This can be looked at as a simile towards the conditions in the country of Argentina. After Timerman describes his torture and isolation while under imprisonment, his next chapter tells us about the chaos that has under gone in Argentina, and her government. He explains to the readers that there are two sides in this civil war between the two parties of government, and describes all of the violence that has occured as a by-product of this war. He tells us of his encounters with the hysteria before he was kidnapped, and the disarray that was upon Argentinians. Timerman uses a quote by Luis Borges that was very interesting and nsightful, claiming that â€Å"the Argentine is not a citizen but an inhabitant; that he lacks an idea of the nation where he resides , but views it as a territory†¦Ã¢â‚¬  which is an understandable view. The people of Argentina, as Timerman describes, are scared of their government and the terrorism that is upon them. Timerman describes Argentina is such a state that there is no government, and, that the government is corrupt and that there is no trust authorities. Timerman, throughout the book, tells about mothers, fathers, relatives, and friends coming to La Opinion asking to write a letter about their loved one going missing, yet he further explains in almost every instance, that he could not do anything about it because it could get him executed. Timerman, throughout the book, always described his reasoning and perspective, in that, he said he wanted to help those people that came looking for help, yet he was already pushing his luck writing articles that no other paper would dare to write. Timerman tells the read that during his position as editor at La Opinion he received many death threats and hostile remarks due to his articles in his paper being to left sided, or too right sided political view. Yet Timmerman tells the reader that his intensions where not to support either side, but to write about the truth about what was going on in Argentina. He also wanted to stop this terrorism and find a way to halt this insanity. Timermans book does an amazing job at telling two stories, his story of survival during imprisonment for multiple years, while also telling the reader about the irrationality and absurdity of Argentina’s â€Å"government†. Though the book takes place in Argentina, those who read it will understand the universal application. It could happen else where, and that is why it is an important book to read, understand and take in. Timerman, in his book, is a witness for the rest of us.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

With its abundance of genera, the Burgess Shale is one of the world’s most important fossil fields. It’s discovery in 1909 led to over 100 years of paleontological study in the Canadian Rockies, a majority of which has been carried out in two quarries known as the Walcott and Raymond quarries (Hagadorn, 2002). Though he was originally in search of trilobites in the Burgess Shale Formation, paleontologist Charles Walcott also discovered a diverse group of soft- and hard-bodied fossils, from algae and sponges to chordates and cirripeds (Hagadorn, 2002). Soft-bodied fossils are incredibly rare due to their delicate structure and susceptibility to decay, so it is hard-bodied fossils that more regularly occur in fossil findings. However over 75,000 soft-bodied specimens have been found in the Burgess Shale formation (Hagadorn, 2002). These specimens are preserved in layers of shale formed from deposits of fine mud. One of the most significant species discovered is the Pikaia gracilens. Believed to be an early chordate, the Pikaia gracilens existed very close to the beginning of the evolutionary path that ultimately lead to humans (McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, 2006). The Burgess Shale formation is characteristically informative of significant events in the evolutionary path of multiple organisms. Its abundance of exquisitely preserved Lagerstà ¤tte has inspired paleontologists to refer to this mode of preservation as ‘Burgess Shale-type’ (Williams, 2009). The Burgess Shale is located in British Columbia’s Yoho National Park; Part of the ancient landmass called Laurentia (Scott, et al., 2000). Fossils found within the formation dating back 545-525 million years ago represent original species from the Cambrian explosion, a relativel... ...deposition and blanket of sediment kept the organisms compressed with little exposure to oxygen for decay. If life was predominately terrestrial during the Cambrian, the organisms predictably would have been left untouched after death long enough to decay, preventing the fine preservation of many soft-bodied organisms. Fortunately enough, it was marine life that dominated the Cambrian (Scott, et al., 2000). Over the past century, the Burgess Shale has revealed important information about the development of earth’s history. The excavation of the Burgess Shale formation provided evidence for what was once just a theory in evolution. The taphonomic findings of the Burgess Shale have played a significant role in understanding the large diversity that resulted from the Cambrian explosion, advancing the study of evolutionary assemblages for Paleontologists worldwide.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fair & Lovely

in newspapers or on the Web that are used by families to arrange suitable alliances, and you will see that most potential grooms and their families are looking for â€Å"fair† brides; some even are progressive enough to invite responses from women belonging to a different caste. These ads, hundreds of which appear in India’s daily newspapers, re? ect attempts to solicit individuals with the appropriate religion, caste, regional ancestry, professional and educational quali? cations, and, frequently, skin color. Even in the growing numbers of ads that announce â€Å"caste no bar,† the adjective â€Å"fair† regularly precedes professional quali? ations. In everyday conversation, the ultimate compliment on someone’s looks is to say someone is gora (fair). â€Å"I have no problem with people wanting to be lighter,† said a Delhi beauty parlor owner, Saroj Nath. â€Å"It doesn’t make you racist, any more than trying to make yourself look you nger makes you ageist. † Bollywood (India’s Hollywood) glori? es conventions on beauty by always casting a fair-skinned actress in the role of heroine, surrounded by the darkest extras. Women want to use whiteners because it is â€Å"aspirational, like losing weight. Even the gods supposedly lament their dark complexion— Krishna sings plaintively, â€Å"Radha kyoon gori, main kyoon kala? (Why is Radha so fair when I’m dark? ). † A skin de? cient in melanin (the pigment that determines the skin’s brown color) is an ancient predilection. More than 3,500 years ago, Charaka, the famous sage, wrote about herbs that could help make the skin fair. Indian dermatologists maintain that fairness products cannot truly work as they reach only the upper layers of the skin and so do not affect melanin production. Nevertheless, for some, Fair & Lovely is a â€Å"miracle worker. A user gushes that â€Å"The last time I went to my parents’ home, I go t compliments on my fair skin from everyone. † For others, there is only disappointment. One 26-year-old working woman has been a regular user for the past eight years but to no avail. â€Å"I should have turned into Snow White by now but my skin is still the same wheatish color. † As an owner of a public relations ? rm commented, â€Å"My maid has been using Fair and Lovely for years and I still can’t see her in the dark . . .. But she goes on using it. Hope springs eternal, I suppose. † The number of Indians who think lighter skin is more beautiful may be shrinking. Sumit Isralni, a 22-year-old hair designer in his father’s salon, thinks things have changed in the last two years, at least in India’s most cosmopolitan cities, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. Women now â€Å"prefer their own complexion, their natural way† Isralni says; he prefers a more â€Å"Indian beauty† himself: â€Å"I won’t judge my wife on how fair her complexion is. † Sunita Gupta, a beautician in the same salon, is more critical. â€Å"It’s just foolishness! † she exclaimed. The premise of the ads that women could not become airline attendants if they are dark-skinned was wrong, she said. Nowadays people like black beauty. † It is a truism that women, especially in the tropics, desire to be a shade fairer, no matter what their skin color. Yet, unlike the approach used in India, advertisements elsewhere usually show how to use the product and how it works. Cultural Norms, Fair & Lovely, and Advertising CASE 2? 2 Fa ir & Lovely, a branded product of Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL), is touted as a cosmetic that lightens skin color. On its Web site (www. hll. com), the company calls its product â€Å"the miracle worker,† â€Å"proven to deliver one to three shades of change. While tanning is the rage in Western countries, skin lightening treatments are popular in Asia. According to industry sources, the top-selling skin lightening cream in India is Fair & Lovely from Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL), followed by CavinKare’s Fairever brand. HLL’s Fair & Lovely brand dominated the market with a 90 percent share until CavinKare Ltd. (CKL) launched Fairever. In just two years, the Fairever brand gained an impressive 15 percent market share. HLL’s share of market for the Fair & Lovely line generates about $60 million annually. The product sells for about 23 rupees ($0. 9) for a 25-gram tube of cream. The rapid growth of CavinKare’s Fairever (www. cavinkare .com) brand prompted HLL to increase its advertising effort and to launch a series of ads depicting a â€Å"fairer girl gets the boy theme. † One advertisement featured a ? nancially strapped father lamenting his fate, saying, â€Å"If only I had a son,† while his dark-skinned daughter looks on, helpless and demoralized because she can’t bear the ? – nancial responsibility of her family. Fast-forward and plain Jane has been transformed into a gorgeous light-skinned woman through the use of a â€Å"fairness cream,† Fair & Lovely. Now clad in a miniskirt, the woman is a successful ? ight attendant and can take her father to dine at a ? ve-star hotel. She’s happy and so is her father. In another ad, two attractive young women are sitting in a bedroom; one has a boyfriend and, consequently, is happy. The darkerskinned woman, lacking a boyfriend, is not happy. Her friend’s advice—Use a bar of soap to wash away the dark skin that’s keeping men from ? ocking to her. HLL’s series of ads provoked CavinKare Ltd. to counter with an ad that takes a dig at HLL’s Fair & Lovely ad. CavinKare’s ad has a father–daughter duo as the protagonists, with the father shown encouraging the daughter to be an achiever irrespective of her complexion. CavinKare maintained that the objective of its new commercial is not to take a dig at Fair & Lovely but to â€Å"reinforce Fairever’s positioning. † Skin color is a powerful theme in India, and much of Asia, where a lighter color represents a higher status. While Americans and Europeans ? ock to tanning salons, many across Asia seek ways to have â€Å"fair† complexions. Culturally, fair skin is associated with positive values that relate to class and beauty. One Indian lady commented that when she was growing up, her mother forbade her to go outdoors. She was not trying to keep her daughter out of trouble but was trying to keep her skin from getting dark. Brahmins, the priestly caste at the top of the social hierarchy, are considered fair because they traditionally stayed inside, poring over books. The undercaste at the bottom of the ladder are regarded as the darkest people because they customarily worked in the searing sun. Ancient Hindu scriptures and modern poetry eulogize women endowed with skin made of white marble. Skin color is closely identi? ed with caste and is laden with symbolism. Pursue any of the â€Å"grooms† and â€Å"brides wanted† ads cat2994X_case2_019-046. indd 25 cat2994X_case2_019-046. indd 25 8/27/10 2:05 PM 8/27/10 2:05 PM Part 6 Supplementary Material three-month Home Healthcare Nursing Assistant course catering to young women between the ages of 18 and 30 years. According to HLL, the Fair & Lovely Academy for Home Care Nursing Assistants offers a unique training opportunity for young women who possess no entry-level skills and therefore are not employable in the new economy job market. The Fair & Lovely Foundation plans to serve as a catalyst for the economic empowerment for women across India. The Fair & Lovely Foundation will showcase the achievements of these women not only to honor them but also to set an example for other women to follow. AIDWA’s campaign against ads that convey the message, â€Å"if she is not fair in color, she won’t get married or won’t get promoted,† also has resulted in some adjustment to fairness cream ads. In revised versions of the fairness cream ads, the â€Å"get fair to attract a groom† theme is being reworked with â€Å"enhance your selfcon? ence† so that a potential groom himself begs for attention. It is an attempt at typifying the modern Indian woman, who has more than just marriage on her mind. Advertising focus is now on the message that lighter skin enables women to obtain jobs conventionally held by men. She is career-oriented, has high aspirations, and, at the same time, wants to lo ok good. AIDWA concedes that the current crop of television ads for fairness creams are â€Å"not as demeaning† as ones in the past. However, it remains against the product; as the president of AIDWA stated, â€Å"It is downright racist to denigrate dark skin. † Although AIWDA’s campaign against fairness creams seems to have had a modest impact on changing the advertising message, it has not slowed the demand for fairness creams. Sales of Fair & Lovely, for example, have been growing 15 to 20 percent year over year, and the $318 million market for skin care has grown by 42. 7 percent in the last three years. Says Euromonitor International, a research ? rm: â€Å"Half of the skin care market in India is fairness creams and 60 to 65 percent of Indian women use these products daily. † Recently, several Indian companies were extending their marketing of fairness creams beyond urban and rural markets. CavinKare’s launch of Fairever, a fairness cream in a small sachet pack priced at Rs 5, aimed at rural markets where some 320 million Indians reside. Most marketers have found rural markets impossible to penetrate pro? tably due to low income levels and inadequate distribution systems, among other problems. However, HLL is approaching the market through Project Shakti, a rural initiative that targets small villages with populations of 2,000 people or less. It empowers underprivileged rural women by providing income-generating opportunities to sell small, lower priced packets of its brands in villages. Special packaging for the rural market was designed to provide single-use sachet packets at 50 paise for a sachet of shampoo to Rs 5 for a fairness cream (for a week’s usage). The aim is to have 100,000 â€Å"Shakti Ammas,† as they are called, spread across 500,000 villages in India by year end. CavinKare is growing at 25 percent in rural areas compared with 15 percent in urban centers. In addition to expanding market effort into rural markets, an unexpected market arose when a research study revealed Indian men were applying girlie fairness potions in droves—but on the sly. It was estimated that 40 percent of boyfriends/husbands of girlfriends/wives were applying white magic solutions that came in little tubes. Indian companies spotted a business opportunity, and Fair & Handsome, Menz Active, Fair One Man, and a male bleach called Saka were introduced to the male market. The sector expanded dramatically when Shah Rukh Khan, a highly acclaimed Commenting on the cultural bias toward fair skin, one critic states, â€Å"There are attractive people who go through life feeling inferior to their fairer sisters. And all because of charming grandmothers and aunts who do not hesitate to make un? attering comparisons. Kalee Kalooti is an oft-heard comment about women who happen to have darker skin. They get humiliated and morti? ed over the color of their skin, a fact over which they have no control. Are societal values responsible? Or advertising campaigns? Advertising moguls claim they only re? ect prevailing attitudes in India. This is possibly true but what about ethics in advertising? Is it correct to make advertisements that openly denigrate a majority of Indian people—the dark-skinned populace? The advertising is blatant in their strategy. Mock anyone who is not the right color and shoot down their self-image. † A dermatologist comments, â€Å"Fairness obtained with the help of creams is short-lived. The main reason being, most of these creams contain a certain amount of bleaching agent, which whitens facial hair, and not the skin, which leads people to believe that the cream worked. † Furthermore, â€Å"In India the popularity of a product depends totally on the success of its advertising. HLL launched its television ad campaign to promote Fair & Lovely but withdrew it after four months amid severe criticism for its portrayal of women. Activists argued that one of the messages the company sends through its â€Å"air hostess† ads demonstrating the preference for a son who would be able to take on the ? nancial responsibility for his parents is especially harmful in a country such as India where gender discrimination is rampant. Another offense is perpet uating a culture of discrimination in a society where â€Å"fair† is synonymous with â€Å"beautiful. AIDWA (All India Women’s Democratic Association) lodged a complaint at the time with HLL about their offensive ads, but Hindustan Lever failed to respond. The women’s association then appealed to the National Human Rights Commission alleging that the ad demeaned women. AIDWA objected to three things: (1) the ads were racist, (2) they were promoting son preference, and (3) they were insulting to working women. â€Å"The way they portrayed the young woman who, after using Fair & Lovely, became attractive and therefore lands a job suggested that the main quali? ation for a woman to get a job is the way she looks. † The Human Rights Commission passed AIDWA’s complaints on to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, which said the campaign violated the Cable and Television Network Act of 1995—provisions in the act state that no advertisemen t shall be permitted which â€Å"derides any race, caste, color, creed and nationality† and that â€Å"Women must not be portrayed in a manner that emphasized passive, submissive qualities and encourages them to play a subordinate secondary role in the family and society. † The government issued notices of the complaints to HLL. After a year-long campaign led by the AIDWA, Hindustan Lever Limited discontinued two of its television advertisements for Fair & Lovely fairness cold cream. Shortly after pulling its ads off the air, HLL launched its Fair & Lovely Foundation, vowing to â€Å"encourage economic empowerment of women across India† by providing resources in education and business to millions of women â€Å"who, though immensely talented and capable, need a guiding hand to help them take the leap forward,† presumably into a fairer future. HLL sponsored career fairs in over 20 cities across the country offering counseling in as many as 110 careers. It supported 100 rural scholarships for women students passing their 10th grade, a professional course for aspiring beauticians, and a cat2994X_case2_019-046. indd 26 cat2994X_case2_019-046. indd 26 8/27/10 2:05 PM 8/27/10 2:05 PM Cases 2 The Cultural Environment of Global Marketing 2. Is it ethical to exploit cultural norms and values to promote a product? Discuss. 3. Is the advertising of Fair & Lovely demeaning to women, or is it promoting the fairness cream in a way not too dissimilar from how most cosmetics are promoted? 4. Will HLL’s Fair & Lovely Foundation be enough to counter charges made by AIDWA? Discuss. 5. In light of AIDWA’s charges, how would you suggest Fair & Lovely promote its product? Discuss. Would your response be different if Fairever continued to use â€Å"fairness† as a theme of its promotion? Discuss. 6. Propose a promotion/marketing program that will counter all the arguments and charges against Fair & Lovely and be an effective program. 7. Now that a male market for fairness cream exists, is the strength of AIDWA’s argument weakened? 8. Comment on using â€Å"Shakti Ammas† to introduce â€Å"fairness cream for the masses† in light of AIDWA’s charges. Sources: Nicole Leistikow, â€Å"Indian Women Criticize ‘Fair and Lovely’ Ideal,† Women’s eNews , April 28, 2003; Arundhati Parmar, â€Å"Objections to Indian Ad Not Taken Lightly,† Marketing News , June 9, 2003, p. 4; â€Å"Fair & Lovely Launches Foundation to Promote Economic Empowerment of Women,† press release, Fair & Lovely Foundation, http:// www. hll. com (search for foundation), March 11, 2003; Rina Chandran, â€Å"All for SelfControl,† Business Line (The Hindu), April 24, 2003; Khozem Merchant and Edward Luce, â€Å"Not So Fair and Lovely,† Financial Times , March 19, 2003; â€Å"Fair & Lovely Rede? es Fairness with Multivitamin Total Fairness Cream,† press release, Hindustan Lever Ltd. , May 3, 2005; Dr. Deepa Kanchankoti, â€Å"Do You Think Fairness Creams Work? † http://www. mid-day. com/metro, July 13, 2005; †CavinKare Launches Small Sachet Packs,† Business India , December 7, 2006; â€Å"A nalysis of Skin Care Advertising on TV During January–August 2006,† Indiantelevision. com Media, Advertising, Marketing Watch, October 17, 2006; â€Å"Women Power Gets Full Play in CavinKare’s Brand Strategy. The Economic Times (New Delhi, India), December 8, 2006; Heather Timmons, â€Å"Telling India’s Modern Women They Have Power, Even Over Their Skin Tone,† The New York Times , May 30, 2007; â€Å"The Year We Almost Lost Tall (or Short or Medium-Height), Dark and Handsome,† The Hindustan Times , December 29, 2007; â€Å"India’s Hue and Cry Over Paler Skin,† The Sunday Telegraph (London), July 1, 2007; â€Å"Fair and Lovely? † University Wire , June 4, 2007; â€Å"The Race to Keep up with Modern India,† Media, June 29, 2007; Aneel Karnani, â€Å"Doing Well by Doing Good—Case Study: ‘Fair & Lovely’ Whitening Cream,† Strategic Management Journal 28, no. 3 (2007), pp. 1351–57. Boll ywood actor likened to an Indian Tom Cruise, decided to endorse Fair & Handsome. Euromonitor International forecasts that in the next ? ve years, spending on men’s grooming products will rise 24 percent to 14. 5 billion rupees, or US$320 million. A recent product review in www. mouthshut. com, praises Fair & Lovely fairness cream: â€Å"[Fair & Lovely] contains fairness vitamins which penetrate deep down our skin to give us radiant fairness. â€Å"I don’t know if it can change the skin color from dark to fair, but my personal experience is that it works very well, if you have a naturally fair color and want to preserve it without much headache. † â€Å"I think Riya Sen has the best skin right now in Bollywood. It appears to be really soft and tender. So, to have a soft and fair skin like her I recommend Fair & Lovely Fairness Lotion or Cream. † Yet â€Å"skin color isn’t a proof of greatness. Those with wheatish or dark skin are by no way inferio r to those who have fair skin. † Here are a few facts from Hindustan Lever Ltd. s homepage: Lever Limited is India’s largest Packaged Mass Consumption Goods Company. We are leaders in Home and Personal Care Products and Food and Beverages including such products as Ponds and Pepsodent. We seek to meet everyday needs of people everywhere—to anticipate the aspirations of our consumers and customers and to respond creatively and competitively with branded products and services which raise the quality of life. It is this purpose which inspires us to build brands. Over the past 70 years, we have introduced about 110 brands. Fair & Lovely has been specially designed and proven to eliver one to three shades of change in most people. Also its sunscreen system is specially optimized for Indian skin. Indian skin, unlike Caucasian skin, tends to â€Å"tan† rather than â€Å"burn† and, hence, requires a different combination of UVA and UVB sunscreens. You may w ant to visit HLL’s homepage (www. hhl. com) for additional information about the company. QUESTIONS 1. Is it ethical to sell a product that is, at best, only mildly effective? Discuss. cat2994X_case2_019-046. indd 27 cat2994X_case2_019-046. indd 27 8/27/10 2:05 PM 8/27/10 2:05 PM

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Psychosocial Stage Essay

Psychological development is generally accepted as product of the interaction among social and psychological forces which directly affect and shape the personality of every individual (Erikson, 2000). This may also encompass changes in self-control, and prosocial behavior. In relation to this, Erik Erikson established a unifying theory on the social and psychological aspects of human development throughout life span. In his eight developmental stages, each individual should, from infancy to senescence, accomplish psychological tasks in line with his or her social experiences. In addition, his theory, often called as â€Å"the stages of man,† is primarily grounded on the notion that every individual develops self-images through others’ perceptions and his or her own perceptions (Erikson, 2000). Erikson described the development of personality and the process by which an individual acquires societal role and shapes his or her identity. In contrary to Freud’s psychosexual emphasis, Erickson accentuated the development of one’s attitudes, skills, and the sense of responsibility. Further, Erikson argued that individuals undergo the different developmental stages, each with crisis or dilemma, and expected to resolve specific conflict in every stage. Unresolved conflicts in the previous stage will pass on the succeeding stages which impart negative traits in one’s personality (Erikson, 2000). On the other hand, as an individual successfully confronted every developmental crisis, he or she achieves positive traits or psychological attributes. Generativity versus Stagnation Erikson viewed â€Å"development† as a continuous process of facing the complexities of life (Santrock, 2002). A young professional, for example, to ensure success and intimate relations, he or she must perceive and accomplish the task of creating and caring his or her life role or style. Erickson’s 7th stage of psychosocial development, generativity versus stagnation, coincides with the middle adulthood period of humans. As defined by Erikson, generativity is the desire to take an active role in establishing the society and nurturing the youth to ensure the continuity of human generation (Lerner, 2002). In this stage, individuals should develop concern for the next generation in order to prevent personal stagnation (Santrock, 2002). While some individuals accomplish this through active community involvement and participation, some contribute for the welfare of the society through responsible parenthood. In any means, the dynamic that must be attained is the outward shifting from the well-being of one’s self to the consideration and care for the humanity. As such, the strength of care is achieved through creating, parenting, volunteering, and mentoring. For instance, by means of genuine care and concern, the generative religious teachers indoctrinate traditional religious view on development. Generative adults, on the other hand, may take responsibility on the cycle of life by leading and guiding their children in the first five stages of psychosocial development (Santrock, 2002). Meanwhile, a key element of â€Å"generativity versus stagnation† is the continuity of stages and cumulative implications of various experiences in life (Santrock, 2002). The adults’ sense of generativity is stimulated by encouraging and supporting the future of the next generation. However, individuals who fail to bestow the continuity to the next generation may possibly become engorge with his or her personal needs, disregard the needs of other individuals, and eventually become stagnated. Influences on my Personality The psychosocial development constructs of Erickson encompasses every experience of an individual that processes and shapes his or her personality, generativity, and perceptions. These processes are deemed universal; that is, although individuals experience family, social, and cultural life differently, the variations are minor. The minor variations account for other individual variables such as socioeconomic status, age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, education, and culture (Lerner, 2002). Hence, the psychosocial processes in the middle adulthood show variations on themes but of similar dynamic of change. Erikson outlined these changes in every developmental stage through specific conflicts or tasks that one needs to attend to or resolve. As such in middle adulthood, generativity versus stagnation is the conflict that needs to be resolved. However, as the resolution of conflicts in the early adulthood influences this stage, the outcome in this stage will directly affect the late adulthood period (Lerner, 2002). As well, as individuals are expected to provide inspiration, care, and guidance for the youth, they are also challenged to acquire productive roles for the societal development and continuity. Generativity then should not only be confined in parenting but should stretch out to community involvements through projects, leadership, and commitment. It must be deemed with respect to the manner by which an individual handle his or her relations with his or her family, societal institutions, friends, relatives, and with other individuals. Whereas every social behavior is determined by myriad of factors, the commitment and concern for the welfare of the next generation must be the primary motivation in all those aforementioned social responsibilities and activities (Lerner, 2002). As I learned the middle adulthood psychosocial stage of Erikson, about 35-40 years of ages, I examined the present state of my personality in terms of generativity and stagnation. That is, I assessed my self if I am productive in my field of endeavor and geared towards inspiring and guiding my children and other youngsters and young adults. I became concern with the achievement of generativity for Erikson argued that it is crucial for a positive outlook during midlife. As such, I formulated my developmental goals of preparing my self for my senescence period and caring for and guiding the youngsters for adulthood. However, life experiences in this stage of life are not identical among individuals; some are still single adult while others are happily married or divorced during this period. Generally, the middle adulthood has developmental discontinuity and continuity. In particular, psychological attributes like cognitive functioning may rapidly change while the others such as intelligence and personality may attain stability during midlife (Lachman, 2001). I realized then that in defining life’s success, experiences in midlife have significant roles. During middle adulthood, every individual compensates for and copes with life’s losses which tend to be apparent as senescence life approaches. As revealed by psychological researches, life satisfaction is at its peak in midlife; this is the period of life where subjective happiness and well-being are rated best as compared to other stages of life (Lachman, 2001). Thus, midlife is known as the prime of one’s life, where most middle adults are at the summit of their family and professional careers, and income generation. In addition, middle adults experience a very satisfactory psychological well-being; they have positive outlook in life, autonomy, and aim for both personal and professional growth (Lachman, 2001). They perceived midlife as the period where one should function best. Thus, my consciousness on my work performance, multiple-role playing, and parenting styles were awakened. Nevertheless, at the other extreme of middle adulthood are the midlife crises. Based on psychological reports, middle adulthood is battered by worries in life such as the feelings of individuals of life losses and failures, non-achievement and underachievement, and trivial and non-essential goals (Lachman, 2001). Yet, amidst these crises and as compared to other stages of life, middle adulthood is the period of less depression and higher well-being. In this period, most individuals attained their professional and personal goals. Those who are susceptible to environmental factors, limited resources, and poverty, are at risk to psychological and physical distress (Lachman, 2001). It was then clarified in my mind that during midlife, individuals may either enjoy the fruition of their respective labors or suffer the cumulative deficits of their life due to unresolved conflicts in previous stages. Therefore, middle adulthood, as generativity versus stagnation implies, is not only a period of fulfillment and accomplishment but also a transition period for the past and present events of life basically influence the later life’s transition. Midlife is the stage of life when individuals, more frequently, have already decided for a lifestyle and other social context like vocation, routine, neighborhood, and support network. Thus, I postulated that personality molds the life of an individual, rather than life experiences shapes the personality of an individual. In particular, only specific aspect of personality is altered by dramatic life events during middle adulthood. For example, career or marriage failure, affliction due to mental or physical disorder, and death of a loved one may alter the behavioral trait of an individual which in turn only causes minor shifts in personality but do not reflect in the holistic personality structure. Moreover, the concept of midlife crisis, perceived as inevitable in middle adulthood, was found to be false (Lerner, 2002). Even though midlife is a stage of reflection, increased anxiety, midcourse correction, and unpredictable transformation, researches revealed that during middle adulthood, individuals still undertake the shifting of life perspective from birth until to their last years to live (Lerner, 2002). The nature of an individual’s response to midlife challenges is largely affected by personality attributes and less by the individual’s present developmental stage or chronological age. As proposed, the enduring nature of midlife crisis is possibly related to the capability of an individual to cope with the tragic life events and in the end still considers his or her self as fairly fortunate. In sum, Erikson suggested the importance of finding oneself in another during midlife developmental stage. By merely serving oneself or own family, an individual becomes engorge with his or her personal needs, disregard the needs of other individuals, and eventually ends as stagnated. Hence, I must not confine my self in looking at and working only for the welfare of my family. Bringing up my children into the best that they can be is inadequate contribution for the welfare of the society. I need to acquire the sense of altruism in order to contribute whatever resources I have, actively involve myself to community projects, and to extend whatever support I can give for the welfare of the next generation. In addition, since midlife crisis is inevitable in middle adulthood, I realized that in order to face every travail, empathy and support to others are crucial so as to establish a network support where I can lean on as I resolve any form of midlife crisis. References Erikson, E. H. (2000). The Erik Erikson Reader. Coles, R. Ed. New York: Norton. Santrock, J. W. (2002). Life-span development. New York: McGraw-Hill. Lachman, M. E. (2001). Handbook of Midlife Development. New York: John Wiley. Lerner, R. M. (2002). Concepts and Theories of Human Development, 3rd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Microeconomics essays

Microeconomics essays Women have continually asserted that they pay more than men for the same services. It is interesting to explore an article on the subject and answer questions concerning the microeconomics of the situation. Women claim salons charge them more than their male counterparts. The market that hairdressing salons operate in is the pure capitalism market. This market is "a system with private ownership of resources and the use of prices to coordinate economic activity in free, competitive (" Under this system, the operators can charge women more than men, citing the fact that it takes longer to cut and style a woman's hair than a man's. They state there is more labor involved, therefore they charge a higher There are a number of cost conditions which may force salons to charge higher prices for women's haircuts relative to men's haircuts. Women many times have longer hair, which requires additional time to cut and style. Women are conditioned to believe it is important to have their hair done in a salon, and are willing to spend the time to have their hair cut and styled appropriately. However, men generally have shorter hair, and just want to have their hair cut as quickly as possible to achieve an appropriate style. Also, women are more willing to pay higher prices, while men will go to another salon if they feel the price is too high. Salons are many times in competition with barbers for men's business, resulting in lower prices for men as a means to earn their business. Time for woman's cut - 45 min. Difference in time and labor -15 min. Results- Higher costs for woman's cut due to time and labor. There are differences in the cost of providing goods and servic ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lieutenant General Nelson Miles in the Indian Wars

Lieutenant General Nelson Miles in the Indian Wars Nelson Appleton Miles was born August 8, 1839, at Westminster, MA. Raised on his familys farm, he was educated locally and later obtained employment at a crockery store in Boston. Interested in military matters, Miles read widely on the subject and attended night school to increase his knowledge. In the period before the Civil War, he worked with a retired French officer who taught him drill and other military principles. Following the outbreak of hostilities in 1861, Mile quickly moved to join the Union Army. Climbing the Ranks On September 9, 1861, Miles was commissioned as a first lieutenant in the 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Serving on the staff of Brigadier General Oliver O. Howard, Miles first saw combat at the Battle of Seven Pines on May 31, 1862. In the course of the fighting, both men were wounded with Howard losing an arm. Recovering, Miles was promoted to lieutenant colonel for his bravery and assigned to the 61st New York. That September, the regiments commander, Colonel Francis Barlow, was wounded during the Battle of Antietam and Miles led the unit through the rest of the days fighting. For his performance, Miles was promoted to colonel and assumed permanent command of the regiment. In this role he led it during the Union defeats at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville in December 1862 and May 1863. In the latter engagement, Miles was badly wounded and later received the Medal of Honor for his actions (awarded 1892). Due to his injuries, Miles missed the Battle of Gettysburg in early July. Recovering from his wounds, Miles returned to the Army of the Potomac and was given command of a brigade in Major General Winfield S. Hancocks II Corps. Becoming a General Leading his men during the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court House, Miles continued to perform well and was promoted to brigadier general on May 12, 1864. Retaining his brigade, Miles took part in the remaining engagements of Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grants Overland Campaign including Cold Harbor and Petersburg. Following the Confederate collapse in April 1865, Miles took part in the final campaign which concluded with the Surrender at Appomattox. With the end of the war, Miles was promoted to major general in October (at age 26) and given command of II Corps. Postwar Overseeing Fortress Monroe, Miles was tasked with the imprisonment of President Jefferson Davis. Chastised for keeping the Confederate leader in chains, he had to defend himself from accusations that he was mistreating Davis. With the reduction of the US Army after the war, Miles was ensured of receiving a regular commission due to his sterling combat record. Already known as vain and ambitious, Miles sought to bring high-level influence to bear with the hope of retaining his generals stars. Though a skilled influence peddler, he failed in his goal and instead was offered a colonels commission in July 1866. Indian Wars Grudgingly accepting, this commission represented a higher rank than many of contemporaries with West Point connections and similar combat records received. Seeking to enhance his network, Miles married Mary Hoyt Sherman, niece of Major General William T. Sherman, in 1868. Taking command of the 37th Infantry Regiment, he saw duty on the frontier. In 1869, he received command of the 5th Infantry Regiment when the 37th and 5th were consolidated. Operating on the Southern Plains, Miles took part in several campaigns against the Native Americans in the region. In 1874-1875, he aided in directing US forces to victory in the Red River War with the Comanche, Kiowa, Southern Cheyenne, and Arapaho. In October 1876, Miles was ordered north to oversee US Army operations against the Lakota Sioux following Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custers defeat at the Little Bighorn. Operating from Fort Keogh, Miles relentlessly campaigned through the winter forcing many of the Lakota Sioux and Northern Cheyenne to surrender or flee to Canada. In late 1877, his men forced the surrender of Chief Josephs band of Nez Perce. In 1880, Miles was promoted to brigadier general and given command of the Department of the Columbia. Remaining in this position for five years, he briefly led the Department of the Missouri until being directed to take over the hunt for Geronimo in 1886. Abandoning the use of Apache scouts, Miles command tracked Geronimo through the Sierra Madre Mountains and ultimately marched over 3,000 miles before Lieutenant Charles Gatewood negotiated his surrender. Eager to claim credit, Miles failed to mention Gatewoods efforts and transferred him to the Dakota Territory. During his campaigns against the Native Americans, Miles pioneered the use of the heliograph for signaling troops and constructed heliograph lines over 100 miles long. Promoted to major general in April 1890, he was compelled to put down the Ghost Dance movement which had led to increased resistance among the Lakota. In the course of the campaign, Sitting Bull was killed and US troops killed and wounded around 200 Lakota, including women and children, at Wounded Knee. Learning of the action, Miles later criticized Colonel James W. Forsyths decisions at Wounded Knee. Spanish-American War In 1894, while commanding the Department of the Missouri, Miles oversaw the US troops that aided in putting down the Pullman Strike riots. Late that year, he was ordered to take command of the Department of the East with headquarters in New York City. His tenure proved brief as he became the Commanding General of the US Army the following year following the retirement of Lieutenant General John Schofield. Miles remained in this position during the Spanish-American War in 1898. With the outbreak of hostilities, Miles began advocating for an attack on Puerto Rico prior to an invasion of Cuba. He also argued that any offensive should wait until the US Army was properly equipped and be timed to avoid the worst of yellow fever season in the Caribbean. Hampered by his reputation for being difficult and clashing with President William McKinley, who sought quick results, Miles was rapidly sidelined and prevented from playing an active role in the campaign in Cuba. Instead, he observed US troops in Cuba before being permitted to conduct a campaign in Puerto Rico in July-August 1898. Establishing a foothold on the island, his troops were advancing when the war ended. For his efforts, he was promoted to lieutenant general in 1901. Later Life Later that year, he earned the ire of President Theodore Roosevelt, who referred to the vain general as a brave peacock, for taking sides in an argument between Admiral George Dewey and Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley as well as criticizing American policy regarding the Philippines. He also worked to block reform of the War Department which would have seen the position of Commanding General transformed into a Chief of Staff. Reaching the mandatory retirement age of 64 in 1903, Miles left the US Army. As Miles had alienated his superiors, Roosevelt did not send the customary congratulatory message and the Secretary of War did not attend his retirement ceremony. Retiring to Washington, DC, Miles repeatedly offered his services during World War I but was politely declined by President Woodrow Wilson. One of the most famous soldiers of his day, Miles died May 15, 1925, while taking his grandchildren to the circus. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery with President Calvin Coolidge in attendance. Selected Sources NNDB: Nelson A. MilesArlington Cemetery: Nelson A. MilesLibrary of Congress: Nelson A. Miles

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Review Restaurant Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review Restaurant - Research Paper Example I visited the Olive Garden Restaurant in the mid afternoon when it is less crowded, so that I could definitely secure a place there. The place was styled in a typically Tuscan farmhouse fashion, which radiated a spirit of being welcomed. The lighting was adjusted to a comfort mode, highlighting the dà ©cor, without taxing the eyes. I must say the seating arrangement was contrived, keeping in mind the comfort and privacy of the people visiting the place. Overall, the atmosphere there was imbued with a sense of comfort and hospitality. The meal at the restaurant was served in a typical Italian manner, starting with a first course and followed by a second course usually comprising of some soup or pasta, sumptuously marked by an entrà ©e, comprising of side dishes and dessert. I must say that the food had its good and bad points. Overall the cuisine there was rich in carbohydrates, and fats, to the accompaniment of little protein and too few greens. The lasagna they served was delicious with the tomato sauce carrying just the right blend of sweetness. I found the pasta a little plain and drab. A bit of cheese and some mild sauce would have certainly accentuated its flavor. The chicken breast that was well pounded and fried in butter, dressed with an aptly flavored tomato sauce was a real delight. Though, by the time I was done with it, I could have evaded the dessert, but considering its yummy, sticky and sweet look, I could not help savoring it. Certainly, a visit to a restaurant could leave much to be desired, if the staff there does not evince just the right attitude and spirit (Daily Post, 2005). On that context, the waiters at Olive Garden managed to wrench a perfect score from me. The waiters were neatly dressed in black and white, to the accompaniment of gold hued aprons. Their attitude effused with pride and courtesy and a desire to serve the guests. The made it a point to keep my glass filled with water till the end. I was

Friday, November 1, 2019

Taxation Principles and Concepts (Taxation) Coursework

Taxation Principles and Concepts (Taxation) - Coursework Example A capital allowance refers to the amounts in cash that a business operating in the United Kingdom can deduct from the overall income tax on its profits or the corporate tax. The sources of these sums of money come from certain purchases as well as investments as outlined in the Capital Allowances Act of 2001 (Channer & Rogers 2007, p.xiv). A business or corporate organization can claim capital allowances on the costs of cars, vans and machines purchased for business use, or other assets in the business such as scaffolding, equipment, ladders, furniture, computers, and tools. In addition, a business can also claim capital allowances on the expenditures incurred on plant and machinery, as well as, on facilities and equipment used for research and development, and items that a business operator uses privately before using them commercially. Another capital deduction occurs on the premises used for the company to run its business, such as improving a property, and converting a space abov e a building for rental purposes. As for your case Tobby, you can claim capital allowances on the following items: computers, car, premises and rent for Tamara. The capital allowance on computers is ? 200, car as ? 2,700, premises at ? 12, 5000 and Tamara’s rent at ? 4,000. As such, the total capital allowance that Tobby can claim from the tax authority is ? 19,400 (Dunn & Rogers 2008, p.664). The taxable profits of Lewis include all the expenses as well as the revenues generated by the company. The taxable profits include a deduction of all the expenses that are incurred in the business. These include the rates at 1,500, telephone charges for business calls only at 1,000, light and heat for the whole property at 3,000, NIC contribution for himself at 1,000, wage expenses for lily at 20,000 and for himself at 25,000. The other expenses also included in the expenditure of the company are car-running costs at 6000, depreciation expense on the cars at 4,000, loan repayment costs at 3,500, interests on loans at 5,000, insurance charges at 1,800, advertisement expenses at 1,500. The other additional expenses recorded in the business include parking fines at 1,000, gift aid donations at 1000, membership at a sports club for 900, and donations for lewisham hospital at 1000. He further needs to add an additional expense of wages, which he pays to Tamara at 20000 for the part time job she performs at his corporation. This totals all the business expense to ? 77,200 (Gabay, et al. 2007, p.180). This total expenditure by the business of ? 77,200 shows that the business in incurring a lot of expenses which in turn reduce its level of profitability. In order to calculate the profitability of the firm, this includes a deduction of the expenses from the revenues or incomes made or generated by the firm. The general income made by the business from its business processes and activities is ? 90,102, and a subtraction of the two provides the business profits at ? 12,102. This is the general profit, which is subjected to taxation as the income made by the business during the fiscal year under operation. As such, the profitability of the company for the year ended 31 July 2013 was ? 12,102. The projected assessable profits for the business in the fiscal year ending 2013/2014 were ? 12,102 plus the deductible allowances for the business (Gupta 2003, p.67). The best way to set an accounting year is to position it in line with the financial year of her majesty’

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Scaffolding Language Learning in an Academic ESL Classroom Assignment

Scaffolding Language Learning in an Academic ESL Classroom - Assignment Example This is in relation to the socialization processes. The poorly socialized individuals and students tend to lack a well-developed argumentative skill, which is the basis of interactions while discussing academic issues (Lantolf, 2000 p34). On the kindergartens, the English language learners should be taught by reciting various words they learn in class. This will allow the expansion of their brains as recited words always stick, in the memory, for a long time (Lantolf, 2000 p41). This will as well accompany communicative activities such as salutations the kindergarten language learners always take part in on a daily basis starting from their teachers to their fellow colleagues whenever they interact. In the studies of the ESL, the students especially in an academic oral class should aptly embrace the interaction between the students and teacher for steady uprise in the oral and language skills (Kayi-Aydar, 2012 p26). The power relations as a result of interaction are one of the key as pects towards healthier scaffolding. The power relations enhance effective participation of the ESL learners in an academic oral skills class. The scaffolding should, therefore, involve description of various learning activities and putting them into practice through the group discussions and debates. This will not only set strong academic oral skills, but also enhance a proper language and presentation skills development. This system of the academic oral skills is a socially arbitrated process thus involves much of communicative activities thus relates to the socio-cultural linguistic (McNeil, 2012 p402). The provision of the scaffolding information by the tutors should be well adopted to enhance there is a relationship... This essay approves that for any language to be effective, it should be critically analyzed by the learners and the learners should as well take part in the day-to-day searching of new vocabularies in the intended language structure. The ESL learners, to acquire one of the best language development and language skills, should indulge in the critical evaluation of the language and the new words learnt during class interactions amongst themselves. The classroom tasks should as well be distributed for an improved learning of the oral skills. The classwork should entail a small group work, the formal lectures as well as a student led session discussions. All of these aspects will bring various students together and interact in various ways, which may include through the ideological differences in explaining subjects, through dialogues and in their cognitive performances. This aspect of various interactions will pave the way for an improvement in the learner’s academic oral skills. This report makes a conclusion that learners should be highly appreciated whenever they make mistakes and encouraged to control their frustrations whenever they face difficulty in the use of vocabularies and punctuations. This will enhance a perfect and conducive classroom environment for the correction of various oral skills mistakes by the students hence giving room for the development of an appropriate academic oral skill in the students. This will also encourage the participation levels of the students towards every learning activity involving interactions thus nurturing their already existing socialised oral skills.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Artificial Intelligence in the Near Future Essay Example for Free

Artificial Intelligence in the Near Future Essay Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a bunch of robots do everything for you? Cook, clean, run errands, maybe even take care of the children and animals. That sounds like a pretty easy life. What would you do though if they all turned on you; suddenly your easy life was made more difficult than before. There are two sides to Artificial Intelligence, much like there are two sides to every person. There is a lot to take in when talking about Artificial Intelligence, such as what it means, how it started, advantages, disadvantages, things that use artificial Intelligence, how do other people feel about it, how do you feel about it, and many other questions. So what is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is considered the development of machines such as robots and security systems that do the jobs of humans. They are also able to understand human speech. With this being said in the future robots will be able to do everything humans can, if not better. Things that use Artificial Intelligence will be programmed to response to voices, either any voice that speak to it, or only certain ones. Systems that can only open to a certain voice are most likely going to be used for government work, while ones that open to any can be used for everyday things. In 1963 Konrad Zuse invented the Z1 computer. This computer was the first computer that was freely programmable. 1942 John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry Created the ABC Computer, twenty years later Steve Russell and MIT invent the Spacewar computer game, which was the first computer game on record. By 1973 Robert Metcalfe and Xerox were able to come up with computer networking. Eleven years after that in 1984 Apple invented the Macintosh Computer, which was the first affordable desktop computer to be in homes. In 1949, between the ABC Computer and the first computer networking advancement in computer theory lead to computer science, and eventually Artificial Intelligence. After networking came about AI (Artificial Intelligence) became possible. Norbert Wiener was the first American to make the observation between human intelligence and machine, this happened back in 1950. Even though Norbert made the connection John McCarthy was consider the father of AI, because he put together many conferences to get AI up and working. This took seven years. Finally the Thermostat was consider the first AI because it could control the temperature in the room, it was able to notice if the room was to hot or too cold, and adjust it to your liking. Then in 1955 The Logic Theorist was developed by Newell and Simon, and consider to be the first AI computer program. BY 1960 it was predicted that by 1985 AI would be doing the job of humans (Kurweil 69) Fast forwarding to the present AI has skyrocketed. There are vacuums that all you have to do is press the power button and it does everything on its own there is no need for you to do any of the work. GPS are also a great invention, put one in your car, or type on your phone and it can tell you how to get where you need to be, as well as find shorter routes, non toll roads, as well as avoiding accidents or back up traffic, you can even put in if you are walking or riding a bike. Smart phones have made lives easier as well. There is so much you can do with them, from checking bank account to putting in reminders, and some things are even voice activated. ATT Bell Laboratories may be the single most active telecommunications body working in Artificial Intelligence. Now if you want to have some fun with an AI, Cleverbot is the way to go. Cleverbot is a computer system that you can talk to, it’s doesn’t always have the nicest things to say, or even make sense but it is fun to play around with. The most recent thing to come of age is a car that drives itself, and is able to tell the difference between people who are walking and those on bikes. In 2004 the Company named Topix was founded by Sun Microsystems and Netscape engineers Tom Markson, Bryan Dole, and Bob Truel. This company created artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor news from more than 50,000 sources. They later added user-generated capabilities allowing site visitors to share, edit, and discuss news. Having an item that is an AI has its advantages. For starters it would make for safer work places. Some work places have jobs with low oxygen, radioactive elements or even poor weather conditions, if we have robot working in those environment instead of human, many lives could be saved. Even jobs that keep families apart would be at an all time low. NASA and the Military would also have more advance weapons. They would be able to notice and destroy other countries harmful weapons and keep us safer. Also if we had robots and other types of machines that do not need to rest or eat, they could work around the clock on finding a cure for cancer, and ending world hunger. Instead of sending our men and woman to foreign countries were they are bombed and shot at, we could send AI machines. Most of all there would be less error in the work place. Many places already use machine to do things because they can better measure out the right amount of equipment. There is a downside to using AI as well. With the rise of robots taking over jobs it means people will be replaced. The unemployment rate will go up, less people will get the help they need because too many people will need assistants, and laziness in humans will reach an all time high. Without having to go anywhere or do anything that will leave people to sit and watch TV all day. With jobs being taken away, younger generations will be at a disadvantage because they will not know what it is like to â€Å"earn a buck†. As AI grows they will be collecting all kinds of information, too much knowledge for one being is not a good thing, they might end up thinking they are smarter than us, and go haywire causing more problems. Not to mention if the wrong people get their hands on it they could misuse it. Most of all though it will be pricey. Meaning the people will have higher taxes to pay, and with robots doing all the work with money we just don’t have. When it comes to artificial intelligence my thoughts on it are 50/50. While I think it would be great to have extra help in work places or around the home, as well as not having to put so many people in danger just to get a job done I myself would not want to lose my job. I feel that if we use artificial intelligence for the good of others and not just to make things easier then we should do fine, but we must be careful that it does not fall into the wrong hands. After taking a survey of ten men and ten woman ranging from the ages twenty to forty, asking them if they think artificial intelligence would be a good use for the future, the result were as followed: five said yes, five said no, 3 were unsure, and seven think it would be both good and bad. In the twenty age group most were unsure though those who chose both were close behind, yes and no’s were equal. In the age group of thirty there were no yes’s or unsure, those who chose no were beaten out by those who chose both. In the forty age rang there were no unsure, those who chose both and no’s were equal as the yes’s beat them out. So it would seem the younger you are the more you are not sure, and the older you are the more you would like it to happen. I asked the people that I surveyed why they picked the answer they did. For those who said No, most of them said it was because they wouldn’t want to lose their job, while other worry about the system outsmarting us and causing a lot of damage and problems, pulse they have no moral judgment, compassion or other human emotions. Those who said yes were looking forward to work being easier, decision making would be easier and not put as much pressure on the person in charge. One of the people who said yes had this to say â€Å"Yes they could rescue a child from a burning building without getting hurt†¦83 Firefighters died last year while attempting to stop fires. That number would be zero if we had AI in the sense of I, Robot. Thats just one example but the implications are innumerable. Would you rather have a robot that never fatigues or gets distracted do surgery on your brain or a surgeon that may have had a late night or may have a difficult personal issue on his mind, like a divorce? (J.s).Those who choose both thought that it should be allowed, but with limits. Everyone has questions when it comes to AI. The one that seems to be worried about the most though is â€Å"will laws change, or will there be different laws for AI? People are worried that they will have to learn a new set of laws. If by chance there are different laws for AI beings will they be just as fair as ours? Or will they have more privileges? There is so much information out there when it comes to AI that it can be hard to keep up with. Now that you know what AI is, how it started, things that use it, advantages and disadvantages, my thoughts, other peoples thoughts and questions that are asked you have a good head start on learning more. What you find may surprise you and enlighten you, but nevertheless it is very interesting. One last piece of advice I would give to anyone, is since AI can be used for good or bad, watch whose hands it falls into.