Monday, December 2, 2019

Personal success free essay sample

To be successful in life is something every person wishes for. How one becomes successful is defined differently by each individual. Achieving success is not only about how much money one makes as many might believe. Although, to be financially stable is one part of my definition of success, my personal definition also includes many other aspects of life that are important to me. For me, success is really the satisfaction with which I am today and the commitment to continue to grow. As I continue to grow as a person, I think years down the road I will consider my life a complete success. Earning my GED a year after I dropped out of high school was a success to me, even though some thought I was smart enough to graduate rather than achieve the equivalency. I will continue to make mistakes and I will continue to learn from those mistakes. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Knowing that I am capable of accomplishing anything I put my mind to is my motivation to continue my education. Registering in 2010 at SBC, then dropping out was a complete failure, but my reasons were more important to me at that time. As time went on I realized that I should have stuck it out and continued attending my courses. Then I would have been further in my academics and that is a lesson that one of life’s stepping stones has brought me. Never give up! My current academic achievement has just begun and I am content with where I’m at now than I was two years ago. As long as I’m content and happy with what I’m doing then I will continue to better my education until I earn my degree. Helping others in need when that need is achievable for me is success. To have healthy relationships with my family, friends, and my significant other are my views of personal success. To keep learning, trying new things, and hopefully growing wiser in the process. If I can look back at my life and be happy with the choices I have made, respect who I have become, feel proud of how I have treated others then I will feel that satisfaction of success. To look in the mirror having peace of mind and honestly say to myself that I have enjoyed the journey that life has bestowed upon me then what a success I will be.

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