Wednesday, December 18, 2019

India s Indian Corruption Crisis - 1643 Words

Due to weak government institutions, the Indian government has become extremely corrupt and this has caused Indians to lose trust in officials, feel unprotected by the authorities, which is causing chaos in politically weaker parts of India. The history of India, Inequalities, poverty, desire for wealth, and desire for power have led to the corruption in India, which is causing chaos in politically unstable parts of the country and causing the ‘Indian Corruption Crisis’. The history of India has lead to India having issues in its government that lead to it becoming a corrupt nation. The history of India is far too extensive to explain, but it starts with northern India, which was civilized land by 500 BC. â€Å"The people had knowledge of iron†¦show more content†¦When the British Empire first conquered India, A new form of Government was introduced, and after India’s independence, kings still ruled in India for six months until India was brought together and India’s government was officially created. After freedom from Great Britain, in the time before India became united, it had many internal conflicts as there was still a central government to be made and since it was a mercantile colony, India was under much poverty when the government finally stabilized and so there was a lot of poverty and crime that came along with their independance. Due to the inequalities created by high populations and disparities, corruption is bor n. â€Å"India is one of the most populous nations on Earth, with around 15% of the global population.† (StAndrews #3) So clearly, saying that India has a large population is a huge understatement. Small conflicts arise in small populations with inequalities, but India consists of no small populace. And starting out as a mercantile colony really created a setback in India. It was hard to become industrialized since some resources were already stripped of India by Britain. And on top of that the high population helped create a higher demand than supply and this helped start inequalities among areas of India. The richer parts of India flourished faster than the poorer parts of India, and since they developed at different paces, in the 20th century, there

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