Sunday, July 28, 2019

There's Increase Recognition that Conference Tourism Has a Significant Essay

There's Increase Recognition that Conference Tourism Has a Significant Impact on Climate Change and the Wider Environment - Essay Example The specific role of business is examined in this paper. Emphasis is used on the potential use of a specific business activity, the conference venues, for the promotion of sustainability and the increase of awareness of critical environmental problems. At this point, another issue appears: tourism is not just an activity for entertainment; it can become a means for promoting various social and environmental messages. The review of the existing literature on the specific field revealed the following facts: corporate social responsible is the framework through which businesses intervene in environmental problems and promote relevant solutions. Moreover, it has been made clear that tourism is a social activity with many different dimensions; its use for supporting sustainability and the respect for the environment can be an effective solution for controlling the effects of human activities on the environment. In fact, conference tourism can have a key role in the increase of awareness o f environmental issues by promoting corporate social responsibility and greening practices, as analyzed below. 2. ... 2006, p.257). In the above study emphasis is given on CSR of the conference industry; it is noted that the firms operating in the above industry have started to refer to their CSR in order to prove their credentials. It is explained though that the firms operating in the particular industry should paid more attention at CSR, meaning that they would need to develop schemes through which their CSR principles could be made clearer to the public. At the next level, explanations should be given regarding the forms of the involvement of CSR in the protection of the natural environment. Through the years, alterations have been made on corporate social responsibility framework, in order to become more effective for achieving its targets. An indicative example is the establishment of the corporate citizenship concept (McIntosh 2001). The above concept was believed as an appropriate framework for replacing the corporate social responsibility framework; such initiatives were developed in 1990s. However, it was made clear that the corporate citizenship concept could serve only specific organizational needs – addressing the communication problems between the business and the community (McIntosh 2001). The corporate social responsibility framework has remained the key vehicle for promoting sustainability through business operations. In fact, the protection of the environment, mainly through the promotion of sustainability has become a key obligation of modern businesses. The above fact is highlighted in the study of Idowu et al. (2010) where the relationship between the business operations and sustainability is explained as follows: business strategies are

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