Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Thorn Queen Chapter Twenty-Seven

When I crossed everywhere to the castle in the prickle Land, I was surprised to find Nia sitting on the floor beside my rabbit paperweight. Her knees were drawn up, and her brass section-which appeared tear-streaked-rested on her knees. Yet, when she saw me, her face lit up like the sun bursting from behind clouds.Your loftiness she cried, springing up. more or less of them give tongue tothey verbalize you wouldnt grapple top. only I knew. I knew you would.The r constantlyence in the girls eyes was startling. Nia had been another servant passed from Dorian, and it had neer occurred to me that she would serve me expose of such(prenominal) love.Of course I came post, I said softly. Why wouldnt I?She averted her eyes. After everything that happened, andwell, because of baron Katrice. t beautyher are those who assumed youd dispose us and stay in the live onledge base of the humans.I didnt bother pointing divulge that abandoning this shoot smooth would kill me. I was too shock by almostthing else. They thoughtthey thought Id scarcely start a warfare and abjure?I knew you wouldnt, she said fervently. I knew you wouldnt.I gave her a sm on the intact, comforting smile enchantment a knot twisted in my stomach. Take me to Shaya and Rurik.The two of them were surprised by my arrival, further something told me they hadnt doubted I would return both. I could set up by the compassion on Shayas face that what Leith had through with(p) to me was common lie withledge. To my surprise, it was Rurik I took the most comfort from. He didnt interview my appearance. He darkered no sympathies. He entirely jumped straight to business.Weve ga at that placed as legion(predicate) another(prenominal) passs as we could while youve been gone, he said. any(prenominal) are camped emergeside, and Dorians said hell send reinforcements-his militarys some(prenominal) larger. The majority of yours is in Highmore. Well bespeak to break the best way to di stri preciselye them.For a act, I snarl dizzy as he continued rattling mop up military strategy. What was passing game on? What was I doing? I was a girl from Tucson whod bighearted up in a materialistic neighborhood. How on earth was I rest here, listening to a f sorty soldier explain how to take away a war?I held up a hand. requirebefore you go any further. Is on that pointis in that location any way this discharge be avoided? Kiyos articles came back to me, and I hated to say what I did next. Is there any way to bring on sleep?Ruriks eyes widened, and shock and anger fill up his features. Peace? After what-Shaya silenced him with a gesture of her suffer. Yes, actually. Katrice send a rather long letter rough it.Sowe could get her to understand that it Was an accident? Hardly. I mean, could Katrice let all of this go, considering Leith started it?Shaya clear(p) her pharynx uncomfortably, and Rurik looked angry. Well, she began, not entirely. For Katrice not t o go to war, she demands that we constrain her subject kingdom and has very peculiar(prenominal) details on the kinds of tribute and taxes she requires for that. She tooshe besides says that you must marry her nephew in place of her son and tie this kingdom to her through that branch of the family. My impression is she sent a similar list of demands to Dorian- forth from the nephew part-which he refused rather, ah, indelicately.I stared, my m verbotenh agape. That was not what I had in mind. How could Katrice demand those kinds of things after what Leith had done? How dare she act as though I had done something wrong? Yes, I could imagine her grief for her and son. I wasnt that heartless. Yetwhat she was suggesting was ludicrous. And if she thought I would ever, ever let another member of her family coiffure a hand on meI turned back to Rurik as though the issue of peace with Katrice had never been mentioned. Later, I would ask Shaya to help me compose a formal response to Kat rices letter, something along the lines of I am the Thorn Queen. Fuck finish off.What should I do next? I asked Rurik.He smiled, a fierce delight in his eyes. You should speak to the soldiers gathered here and make an official declaration of war. And indeed you should go to Highmore and speak to the ones there. They dont as yet know you as their queen yet, let alone the individual sending them to fight. And you should practice up on your magic, both for battle and to show your receive pot that that Rowan bitch cant tactual sen sit downion you.I shivered at the feelings his words shake up in me. In Tucson, Id been onerous to bedim from my magic, but now it was calling to me again. And with this holy terror from Katrice-no, this insult from Katrice-there was null I trea reald more than to summon all the forces of record and rip her apart.Dorian is coming here-to solar day, I think, said Shaya, interrupting my murderous thoughts. Follow his lead. He knows what to do.I was nt entirely sure what that meant. The only thing I felt genuine of was that I wasnt quite get to go over the maps Rurik had laid bulge out and try out all the troop placements he had in mind. Id always sucked at Risk and had a feeling this would be similar. Besides, I hadnt returned to the Thorn Land to make war-not remunerate at this second, at least. Id come because of the dream from net night, the dream where Id felt at peace.Because at the moment, I felt no peace. A gentry queen wanted to lead armies in and kill my people-and I was supposed(p) to do the same to her. Id just befuddled up with my boyfriend, somebody I love dearly, because I-possibly irrationally-held him responsible for not protecting me from an assailant. And as for that assailantwell, his face nevertheless flashed in my mind, and no matter how oft succession passed, I couldnt trancem to rid myself of that mucky feeling within me or my inconsistency at world touched.I swore to Rurik that Id interc ourse to him later, that I needed some sentence to myself first, and left them both for one of the castles enclose gardens. It was the one I frequently meditated in, where Shaya was pipe down attempting to grow grass and where Kiyo and I had do love. I sat down there cross-legged, taking in the sun on the orange rocks around me and relishing in the faint breeze that stirred the branches of the mesquite and smokethorn trees. A tiny lizard scurried off behind a rock, and I hear what sounded like a hummingbird-or a big-ass bee-in a cluster of nearby flowers.I cleared my mind and tried to communicate with and fix the knowledge base like I had before, but for whatever reason, the connection didnt come. Panic seized me. Had the events with Leith scurvy something within me? Had I lost my qualification to revive the kingdom? I sat there sweating, wondering what would happen to the land if I couldnt connect to it. The heat lastly made me sleepy, and I lay down on the grass, my hand s digging into the earth.When I woke up, two things immediate became apparent. First, I feltbetter. I felt strong and refreshed, and all around me, the colors and scents noticemed stronger and more vivid. I gloss over wasnt happy almost the be war, but that horrible feeling in methe bitterness Leith had leftwell, it had lessened. The air hummed around me, and for a disorienting second, I couldnt tell where I ended and the land began. It was then that I realized why my speculation hadnt worked. I had been in no arrest to heal the land. It had had to heal me. I was energized now, arrive at to do anything. Ready to lead a war.The other thing I discover after waking was that Jasmine was sitting regenerate beside me, gray eyes staring into mine. I bolted upright. What the stone pit are you doing here? I exclaimed. Youre not supposed to be loose.Girards cuffs were assuage upon her, and she jerked her head back toward the castle. Im not merely loose.I followed her motion and sa w a dozen guards, all keeping a respectful distance, but all notice Jasmine closely. When Volusian had disappeared, Rurik had undoubtedly increased her security detail.Jasmine, I said, Im not truly in the humour for your banter, okay? Save your whining and insults for a day when I dont rich person to worry close having caused a war.Her face was perfectly calm. I heard what happened to you.I braced for smugness. Yeah, Im sure everyone has.Ill fight for you, you know.Look, Im sure-wait. What did you say? I stared at her, waiting to con that composure crack. It didnt. She was bland serious and actually looked older than her age.He had no right. I told you before no one does that to a daughter of beleaguer queen mole rat. Not even to you. I was uncommunicative for a moment, still waiting for a punch line. Jasmineyou hate me.She nodded. Yup. But that doesnt kind what happened. No one does that to our father either and gets away without punishment. Dorian should stab Katrice to o.I decided not to mention that nonentity had been done to our father technically, seeing as he had died years ago. What will you do exactly?Same thing you will. Fight. usance my magic. Summon monsters.ButI mean, even if youre trying to, um, protect our family honor, you realize youre still helping me in the process, right? I thought you wanted to destroy me and go sustain Dads world-conquering grandson.Oh, she said sweetly, I still do. And I will. But were going to assume with Katrice first. Our fathers heir cannot be born from rape. I told you before-only someone worthy. That bastard wasnt, and his mother has to break for it. Once shes donewell, then Ill wangle with you. Besides, someones got to take her kingdom when we kill her. efficiency as well be me.Whoa. There were so many parts of Jasmines system of logic that were flawed that I didnt even know where to start. I didnt entirely know the stratum of her own conception, but my mother had been raped. theology knew how many other women Storm King had taken advantage of I entrap it hypocritical of Jasmine to take such a high moral ground just about his heir in light of that. Still, I couldnt deny the fact that she would be useful, and if that was the reason it took for her to help me, so be it. It would also be handy to not pee-pee her trying to kill me.Well, then, thanks, I said at last. I decided not to mention just then that there was no way in hell I would ever let her chance the Rowan Land. Details, details.Jasmine looked supremely pleased. So I can go free then, right?I scoffed. Not a chance.But Im helping youYeah, and in the same breath, you talked about how you want to usurp me. Look I glanced back at her guardians. I would consume to consult with Rurik about those least believably to try to whack her up, now that Volusian was missing. Some of my soldiers were female. You can wander the castle more-under guard, of course. And Ill see about I frowned, suddenly recalling my helpers at Arts house. They were close to Jasmines age, relatively speaking, and for Markelle at least, I had no doubts whatsoever of her loyalty. I wondered if she powerfulness have the makings of a bodyguard/friend. Ill see about getting someone your own age to hang out with you.Jasmine scowled. Thats not what I had in mind.Yeah, well, your cell in the dungeon is still available.She gave me her trademark leaden glare and then stormed off back inside. Nonetheless, I felt like she really would help me, and frankly, I was going to need everyone I could find to get me out of this mess. Kiyo had implied that Katrice might call in some allies, and if this became about multiple kingdoms squaring offI stood up, suddenly feeling ill about it all once more. The flames of passion and green light that had flared in me earlier began to flicker uneasily. I couldnt do this. I couldnt lead an army. I couldnt go to war. What was I thinking? exhausting to shake off my building panic attack attack, I heade d back toward the castle, wanting to hide out in my room for a while. I passed Rurik along the way. Hed plainly been seeking me, hoping Id go talk to the gathered soldiers and inspire them-particularly since word had come that Dorian was almost here. I nodded quickly, promising anything, so long as I could get a moment to compose myself and summon my earlier confidence. every(prenominal) of this was overwhelming me. I needed to be alone, lest I start crying.Only, I was apparently still a ways from being left alone. Ysabel was standing outside my bedroom, coat of arms crossed. Apparently, my earlier suspicions had been right. She really did hang out in the hall waiting for me.No magic lessons, I told her.Magic lessons? she exclaimed, straightening up. She was as immaculate as ever, her red hair twisted into myriad braids. Im never didactics you anything again. My lord is sending me away-and all because of youThe land might have healed me, but there were only so many weird revel ations I could handle today. Jasmine beseeming my ally currently held the lions share. What are you talking about?My lord is on his way, she hissed. And he sent word that I was to work party up my things and be prepared to leave. He has a small group of guards ready to escort me away.So? I shrugged, eyeing my gateway longingly. Isnt that what you wanted?She took a step toward me. Hes not sending me back to the castle. Hes sending me back to my village-back to my children. Dont you understand? Hes through with me Hes casting me digression because of youThe anger and hate on her face made me guess shed forgotten I could suffocate her. As it was, she was in my ain space so much that I feared she might actually attempt animal(prenominal) blows. I wanted to tell her that Dorian casting her aside had little to do with me. That was just Dorians way. Shaya had said Ysabel was one in a string of mistresses who resembled me. Hed grown fatigue of her, just like the rest, but that wasnt m y fault. sexual congress her that wouldnt help, though. Im sorry. But, I mean, wont you be glad to see your kids?Glad? she cried. What do I have to give them? What do I have to show for my time at mash? I have nothing. I came to Dorians philander to im exclude my childrens lives-to bring us wealth. at once I have to return empty-handed, tossed aside to our backwoods village.Ouch. I didnt know what to say, didnt know whether to laud a mothers attempts to improve her kids lives or look down on someone whod tried to do it via sleeping with a king.Im sorry, I said wearily. Im sure youll material body out something.I started to turn away, and to my astonishment, she grabbed my shoulder joint and spun me toward her. I think shed been about to disgorge an insult, but I gave her no chance. I still wasnt ready to be touched, and shed caught me off guard. With no second thoughts, my instincts summoned up magic, the air shoving her away from me and slamming her-hard-into a wall. She stood there, dazed, and I gasped, horror-struck at what Id brutally done without even thinking. I really was turning into my fathers daughter. are you okay? I asked, stepping toward her when she didnt move.She jerked away from me, which I hoped meant no concussion. This isnt over. I will never forgive you for taking him from me Ill make you pay. Hes mine. Do you understand? Mine.This was followed by a whole tirade of ranting and insults about how much she hated me and would see me destroyed. She kept her distance, though, so apparently my brief lapse into wildness had done some good. After a while, I had no patience for it and simply went into my bedroom, leaving her out there. I locked the limen but could still hear her going on and on.Remembering Rurik saying that I should go out and talk to the people who could possibly be dying for me, I tried to distract myself from Ysabel by sounding through the rooms closet. I figured I should probably wear something gentry, and Nia had kept me well-stocked. The light source was rekindling in me, that need to take visit against Leith and show Katrice we couldnt be pushed around. I would prove a strong leader for those out there. I was pulling out a silvery blue silk dress that looked suited when Ysabels shouting finally stopped. With a suspire of relief, I started to drape the dress over a chair-and caught a glimpse out the small window.There was an army out there.I immediately backed away, trying to block out the sea of faces encamped outside. I dropped the dress, feeling dizzy. The reality of it all hit me, and I again felt preoccupied and out of my league. A sharp knock sounded on the door, momentarily breaking through my panic. Anger was an easier emotion to deal with, and I hurried over, yanking the door open.Look, I told you theres nothing I can do about-I stopped. It wasnt Ysabel outside my door.It was Dorian.

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